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DIY Optics, lasers, propagation, optical turbulence and characterization.

This thread might be a bit of a stretch but I thought I'd open up one to see if any fellow anons are working on optics and photonics related DIY projects.

I'm working on an optical pitch polishing machine to hopefully make small precision optics and telescopes, and eventually will probably do some DIY laser / turbulence stuff.
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I was thinking of using this vevor 14" pottery wheel as the basis for a lapping / polishing machine. I could partially disassemble it and use lapping plates on it and add in a pump for the basin + polishing / grinding agents.

I'd probably try to start with optical flats first so I can make flat mirrors, but I also need to build a bath interferometer to measure the surfaces.
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Nice thread.
I'd rather buy ebay lenses than make one for telescope.
But I have made (spherical cap/dome) lenses and reflectors successfully for torches ( or flashlights for yanks) out of thick acrylic.

You might wanna check out how people make resin art. You can have a mold with rough shape of lens.

You can also cut lenses found in binoculars and school lab kits with abrasive disks and use it effortlessly.
Oh forgot to mention, pic related is DIY reflex sight for my air gun when I was 15yr old and couldn't import one.
It's probably basic bitch stuff to you but you seen Huygens optics on youtube?
cannot add shit rn, but bump for interest
This board really does have everything.
Anyone know how to make a hyperspectral camera? I'm at the stage where I don't even know what I don't know.
well i >>2875404 can actually add something useful to the thread
there is an open source design published in a paper. one day ill redesign so it fits properly in my telescope
it was my lockdown project but the fucking grates took 6 months to arrive, and they were from israel of all the places wtf
Nice. Thanks for that, looks pretty good. I should have thought to search through HardwareX.
I was checking out these:

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