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File: Toro repaired .jpg (3.72 MB, 3453x3024)
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She's a literal millionaire & didn't feel like fucking with it. bought a new one instead.

20 HP. it had 4 flat tires. steering tires would not even hold air to load it. mower blade deck hanging off, had to be secured with rope.

got it home, inspected & repaired:
mower deck was one missing cotter pin and cable connection.
removed both front wheels, removed multiple spines & sand/buff inside of tires, install tubes, inflated, and reinstalled. rear tires good enough with slime.
charge battery (junk, but it will work until I buy a new one). blades need sharpening, but are 1000x better condition than the dynamark.

moved to the country onto acreage in 2023. most of it does not need mowing, native grass and all. we do have to keep the Russian thistle in check.

been getting by with an old 11HP '74 Dynamark. the Toro will be much more useful, since it's more reliable and easy to use. wife won't have to jack with the quirks of 50 year old carburetor and engine. now she can mow and use it with a trailer for farm chores.
Instead of taking pics with your wife on the riding mower and "showing her off" and then blurring her out, why don't you just take a picture of the mower by itself?

It's really quite strange behavior... Also I think you missed blurring out a spot of prairie and tumbleweeds in the background. Better go ahead and fix that so no one will be able to tell your location!
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here's an arrival day photo for ya. hope that helps assuage your injury.

I'm just blurring to protect the IDs of the urbanites in the background, living at all of the HUD, FEMA & and asylum seeker apartment block housing surrounding our meager allotment and shack. I don't want to harm an already at-risk population.
>I'm just blurring to protect the IDs of the urbanites in the background, living at all of the HUD, FEMA & and asylum seeker apartment block housing surrounding our meager allotment and shack. I don't want to harm an already at-risk population.

You obviously haven't lived there long or you would be doing everything you could to inconvenience and drive those type of people away... Oh wait, I get it, this is a larp...
What is the point of this thread? Once you rice it into a racing mower, you can report back
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>What is the point of this thread?
vanilla cuckoldry
So, ya gonna give the Dynamark back to your dad?
nah. he doesn't want it back. he's at that stage where he knows he has more shit than he needs. he's still very healthy and active, but he is obviously starting to pare down "stuff" so that there is less to deal with when it gets put on us.

besides, we are BIG on redundancy. we have back-ups for our back-ups.

actually doing something, as opposed to theorizing about doing something absurd and infinitesimally niche, that serves no purpose and never gets done.

it's a DIY board. not a "make up dumb shit that does nothing and never gets attempted board"

someone may have an offshoot idea or story that fits a lawnmower thread perfectly. here is a place for that story.

What are you bringing to the table?
Wait, are you now claiming that lawnmower racing "never gets done" or attempted?

People have been doing it since the early 1960s in the US and people like 16 time F1 Grand Prix winner Stirling Moss have raced them in the UK-

>One of the best known events is the annual BLMRA 12 hour endurance race which has been held near Wisborough Green since 1978. The first such event was won by Sir Stirling Moss, Derek Bell and Tony Hazlewood (designer and builder of the Westwood Lawnbug). Actor Oliver Reed also participated. The event attracts participants from other British clubs and from all over the world, including competitors from France, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Finland and the United States.
lawnmower tractor pulling is another entertaining event. the super modified guys really get over the top. the small engine repair guy here had a big monkey wards with a turboed snowmobile flat 2 cyl 2 stroke in it that scaled out at 1500 lbs. it was a hoot to watch rip down the track. rip Larry
post nudes

1st of all: Awesome. This is the type of discussion one hopes for with a post like this.

2nd: I am not claiming lawnmower never gets done or attempted. I am referencing the generalized post on this board, that will never result in anything being done or attempted, VS a post, such as this one, that while perhaps mundane, is actually someone DIYing someing. it is also a brag on scoring some cool, free shit.

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