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How the fuck am I supposed to unplug this shit? I want to replace my dishwasher
if you have to ask how to remove it your going to need a pro to put the new one in anyway
if you cant work it out why would someone help you kill yourself
heres a tip: step 1 make sure its isolated.
how are you going to do that? you can't.
Probably this >>2873756

At minimum, there’s a good chance you fry your new dishwasher.
If you can't figure out the most basic retard-level wire connections, you shouldn't be fucking with electricity. You have the entire internet at your fingertips and could have this problem figured out in about 10 seconds on your own instead of asking to be spoon fed here.
since the others are huge assholes let me tell you anon.
1) First cut the electricity in the room, turn on the lights in your kitchen and just flip the switch in the electrical panel until the lights in the room turn off.
2) test that a few pairs of wires to make sure there's no electricity running
3) take a picture of how everything was connected
4) remove the 3 connectors, remove your old dishwasher
5) in the wall connect all the 3 cables together
6) go to the electrical panel, turn back on the breaker, it'll be a little bit hard because breakers don't like to be turned off for a long time so keep it manually on for maybe 10 minutes
7) when you reinstal your washer, look at the picture and just use the same connectors or stop being a nigger and buy a outlet and wire it
I'm regretting my post now please don't do that OP or skip the part 6
You can delete them, should be a check box then at the bottom of the page click delete, if you get it quick the archives won't
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Can I offer you a relatable image in these trying times?
this guy is trying to help you.

the principle is it's plugged in without the plug. the same way you'd plug a plug in and have the 3 or 2 prongs. (hot, neutral, ground), it's the same thing but without the plug.

make sure power is off and you are wearing shoes. watch a few YouTube videos on how to wire a light or something.

it's pretty simple.

black to black, white to white, green to green.

when disconnecting.
disconnect black, white, then green or bare copper when connecting, reverse it. connect the green first, then neutral then hot.

you learn this now and your gonna save yourself a headache in the future. all light fixtures are basically replaceable LEDs rather than bulbs anymore.
>6) go to the electrical panel, turn back on the breaker, it'll be a little bit hard because breakers don't like to be turned off for a long time so keep it manually on for maybe 10 minutes
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OP I swear I regret writing my post if you can see us from above I'm sorry
why regret it? i don't understand. everyone starts somewhere.
By unklemming ze Lüsterklemme. Followed by cutting off ze Schuko on your dishspüler and then abisolieren ze Isolierung on ze kable and klemming it in ze Lüsterklemme.
And while you’re at it, you might wack in some wagos, while you’re at it, because your cable is likely multistrand, so you need to crimp.
Oh, and step 1 is flipping the Sicherung, of course.
this post >>2873798 is suggesting OP to short the wires and then force the breaker to stay on. If OP is American his house will burn

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