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ITT: Go to mcmaster.com and post the silliest thing you can find

I'll start: packet, mustard
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buy an ad
> Cannot be sold to: Canada
canada grows 90% of the worlds mustard seeds, so it almost certainly originated there.
this is what’s wrong with the world.
Oddly enough, ingredient statement requirements vary from country to country, and over 90% of Anons have no idea about the reasoning or legalities of international commerce. This is what's wrong with your post.
Canada's just trying to protect its domestic mustard industry from an influx of cheap, inferior quality foreign mustard seed. The US will surely respond with a tax on poutine.
McMaster has been able to completely or near so outfit many businesses in inconvenient locations. Part of that is having such things from the same source to make it simpler for the client. They've succeeded bigly since before internet ordering was an option. Notable is maintaining the classic layout of their print catalog for continuity.

This may be difficult to understand but made them gobs of money. How was their reasoning not obvious?
He did, that's why the mod didn't delete it
how do i get these faggots to send me a physical catalog.
They only print a few of those (which is still not cheap) and used to also have CD/DVD since they still have a few global customers far away from reliable net access. (Their catalog along with MSC, Fastenal and Grainger are workshop classics.)

Best to phone their tech support and maybe get a link if not a paper or disc copy. If you get an electronic copy please share it.

Maybe someone will sell you an extra from their shop. I don't find them a great source though before the internet the abovementioned dead tree catalogs were gold. I use their website to look up info then buy via Egay or elsewhere.
Good, fuck Canada.
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> not in Canada
probably not allowed because it’s not labelled with french or some shit like that.
i don't understand how mcmaster can get you this shit so quickly. they charge out the ass but they always pull through it's crazy.
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Their warehouses are MASSIVE, like 10-15 city blocks, so they're able to keep 99% of their catalog in stock. Depending on the item, they might only have 2-3 in stock at a time though, for example I can't imagine people are ordering the toaster the other anon posted, every day.
>canada grows 90% of the worlds mustard seeds
This isn't even close to true, Russia produces more than twice as much as Canada, and Nepal produces nearly double that again. In 2021 Canada produced roughly 11% of the world supply of mustard seed.
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> russia and nepal’s mustard seeds
I mean ones that aren’t radioactive and/or banned or touched by some dirty guy’s feet.
>> Cannot be sold to: Canada
McMaster doesn't ship to Canada.

When I started a (small) company I was inundated with catalogues. One thing I learned was that everyone sells coffee.
That's why they charge, as do other industrial supplier generalists. They've made bank since long before the internet when dead tree catalog quality mattered much more, and their design continues today because the format is superb.
How the fuck their website is so fast?
No JS.
there absolutely is javascript, it's just that it's not complete dogshit like most the modern web
Claim to be a business.
What in the absolute fuck is that price

you didnt read it all.. says "commercial-grade"
that adds to the cost to anything thats not "consumer-grade"
>talks about Ukraine
>talks about India
I'm amazed by /pol/ brainwashing
>physically and permanently disable USB ports https://www.mcmaster.com/5971N11/

BTW, what's the most expensive thing they sell? I found a robot arm for $51k

And while we're on the subject, they don't list brands for a lot of things but the stuff we've gotten at work has been decent (Williams wrenches, for instance). I'm guessing the brands change based on supply but has anyone ever got junk from them?

One similar supplier that bucks this trend is ULine; we bought a nice commercial grade window washer's squeegee from them online seven years ago and get two paper catalogs per year that go straight into the recycle bin because the prices are so absurd on anything else they sell that we might use.

Plus, they don't have picrel so fuck 'em

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