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How much harder is a skilled trades job like plumbing/welding compared to a warehouse job?
>vague pointless question with zero reference or supporting information
>frog picture
can we start banning these fucking posters or what? tired of this spam
I’ve worked in a warehouse in an office and a skilled trade

Warehouse :
+ little oversight
+ no responsibility; shit breaks shit gets damaged no write ups no nothing
+ nobody comes to you as a problem solver you just do the task leave

Skilled trade:
+ more responsibility
+ have to manage a number of kids who fuck up on the most basic tasks and tix it for them
+ management sucks at their job, sit on a job for weeks , then give to you and you have to rush to make the deadline everytime
+ skilled trades workers are valuable so they don’t gatekeep skills and will help you out, even if they laugh at you first or fuck with you they will go out of their way to teach you because it makes their job easier later

+ politics
+ filled with women so you need to learn this new office style of speaking “corp speak”
+ everyone in the office has zero skill, they don’t know the difference between usb-c or micro usb
“Setting up the scanner is hard you’ll need to contact the it department “
+ it’s a bunch of emails asking for part numbers and prices but you don’t have the authority to buy or make any decisions but they tell you you need the part by today and there is a 2 week approval process and a guy in accounting needs to forward the order sales invoice to the buyer which can take 4 days
+ it will be very frustrating to go from get shit done in the trades and warehouse mode to see just how inefficient offices operate, when I came into the office the first time I just started doing stuff. Ended up getting in trouble for going around other people’s positions , didn’t involve IT or floor supervisiors
>skilled trades workers are valuable so they don’t gatekeep skills and will help you out
We need more gatekeeping as more laid-off coders attempt to enter the trades.
same shit different indians. less physically hard for the most part but more soul crushing.
speaking of is programming skilled trade or an office job
I've got a buddy that works at some sort of IT password firm (don't know the details I'm a hammer thrower)
He runs a team of a dozen Indians and one white guy. Out of about 50 office employees, 4 total are white men and the rest are women, brown, or gay.
Those 4 white men are the only people in the entire office that EVER perform any real work. The women are hired to code without any skill or improvement ever in their careers. The one white guy on my buddy's team is young and teachable, but otherwise his job is often total on-call hell. He's gotten calls when we were hanging out after 7pm where he had to contact multiple departments because a retarded woman forgot a password and got shit locked down. Took him an hour
tl;dr it would be a skilled trade if women weren't involved
Office job.
Warehouse job:
>people treat you nice because everyone knows your job is shit
>if you're stuck with a retarded system then rush hours are hell
>on bigger supply warehouses it genuinely doesn't fucking matter at all and nobody cares because there's so many retards on the team that even trying to wrangle them is a waste of time
>hope u like lifting heavy shit lmao (it's okay it's not paving your back is fine)

>hope you like getting bitched at
>hope you like getting cockblocked on every single facet of the job from finding workers to local yards even having the shit you need (and even when they say they do, they don't)
>hope you like getting bitched at
>if it's paving your back is already fucked, otherwise kinda easy, everyone's a pussy
>cool to see work done later
>hope you like to travel sometimes / all the time
>yet to see when you dont have to coordinate w/ other trades

>same shit daily / consistency
>things get broke / people crash, not a big deal mostly
>it can be physical
>no public customers but still coworkers

If you're gonna be in the trades you need to be known for being good at what you do. And you can only practice your craft if its in demand. The warehouse grind became a lot better for me once I became FLC. A few years later now I mostly train new people on equipment, because our turnover is absurd.
It will be easier than warehouse shit
at least you get to hookup with women?
In an office? Fuck no

It’s a feminist clusterfuck of inefficiency

The guys on the floor make the company money the women in the office waste it and you wonder why the quarters never seen black since 1996
>office: do you job, don't ask questions, don't get involved in drama, get paid and go home on time
sounds like a dream job
Drama is a requirement for working in an office. You aren't allowed to "just do your job" when there are women and middle managers skulking around
99% of the time there is no “job” to do

You’re basically sharing jobs with the whole “team”

And the drama comes when the “team” just fails and throws each other under the bus

You have to remember you’re a very highly skilled employee the people in the office don’t have skills other than social manipulation or speaking skills

There is no “hey you see how there is no plumbing? Make it so the building has plumbing” type jobs

Just more vague tasks you have to work with the women to figure out your role
i always imagined i'd be a high powered executive
Programming can be sort of like a skilled trade if you're a controls/PLC guy. It's not like you're wrenching on shit, but you're at least out on the floor working with the actual equipment.
This also “circle back” “touch base” “connect” “good morning “ to everyone in the office no head nods, no sup, no fist bumps

Also no cursing, no lighting up a cigarette at your desk…. No clipping your nails at your desk

All the little small things that you take for granted as a machinist you can’t do.

Listening to podcasts

Cnc machines are loud so you can podcast all day, not in an office people need to talk to you


Also, my old job

“Hey bro we need some more of these fucking 2x4s to build these pallets”
“Okay I’ll order some “

Office speak

Hey Cindy? Can we connect at 4pm for 20-30 mins about the materials needed for the pallet building project?

Okay great I’ll add it to your google calendar

Hey Cindy so as I mentioned earlier we need some more pine, lumber milled to 2 inches by 4 inches cut to 8 foot lengths in order to build the pallets. We may or may not need some more hardware, known as nails for the guys. So the guys will need that pine lumber, to cut into equal lengths and nail to the 4x4 lumber pieces we have out there in order to craft the pallet by hand

So if we need those we can circle back to this conversation in order to get the authorization for that box of nails for the guys out on the shop floor.

So they will be needing those pieces of pine to cut to crest that platform in order to ship our product , so we can move with those fork lifts.

I believe Amanda had input during our last meeting on if we needed the pallet to move the product and if plastic bins were viable but I had confirmed with Carlos that he cannot use a fork lift to move plastic bins filled with thousands of pounds of metal. However Amanda that was a very valuable input thank you for the idea
>Skilled Trade
Robotics, Controls/PLC, PCB design, GPS/GIS, Hacking/Security, Reverse Engineering, R&D, anything that's probably more electrical engineering with a tangible product or truly useful software really.

>Office Job
DevOps, -Ops anything really, CRUD databasing busy work, "Scrum Master", and other do-nothing make-believe jobs like those.
what about writing crud software and dev part of devops
>right now that pine is our north star
>lets focus on our pine KPI's and get our ducks in a row.
>Our last pine dealer has filed bankruptcy, enough of that though, lets let sleeping dogs lie.
maybe the project was a little more involved and guys upstairs wanted to discuss and plan the whole thing so the shop monkey with hammer and nails wouldn't ruin the material no matter how much he's itching to just get started on it
No it’s pretty like this with anything, paper for the printer, the printer “isn’t working” so let’s just sit and wait for IT to fix it (reloading driver)

Its just one example of why I think America is losing in the global economy so much of “work” in America is time wasting office tasks

I think I have a unique perspective because I’m the only one in this office that went from college educated-> production work -> office

Hr and others went from college -> office their whole career

And the other office guys are just high school grads who came from like Best Buy
i was about to start a biz doing something skillful and was feeling hopeful with unlimited possibilities for a while now i think i might have to go to an office (a shitty one) job
big feeling of doom and it's over
Fucking what
To be honest, it sounds like hell to me.
Straight up torture, whole day, every day, forever.

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