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>need to stay in a foreign country because reasons
>buy a random cheap work patent
>lady from tax service place asks if I am good at the job (it's washing machines repair)
>"Yeah, sure I have experience"
>"Oh, great, Anon, I have this relative that really needs her washing machine repaired. I'll save your number"
>mfw I'm not even sure if I use the right settings when I use a wash
<What do I need to fix a washing machine? Lady said that rinsing is not working properly, what could be the problem there?>
>get a basic tool kit, sockets, screwdrivers, etc
>go there
>search the model number for how to open it
>if they ask just say they're all so different so you have to double check haha
>pull the cover off
>poke around a bit but don't actually do anything
>say you need to order parts and put it back together
At this point you have two options
>actually look up how to fix it now that you have the model number
>lie and say the parts aren't available
That's clever. Thank you
take the agitator off and check if theres shit (panties) stuck where the water drains out of it if its a top load. I dont know shit about front loaders and I know less about top loaders
>>mfw I'm not even sure if I use the right settings when I use a wash
It's all fine brah it's just water and spinning LMAO.
>What do I need to fix a washing machine?
Screwdrivers (bring a fucking torx!) and pliers of various types, mostly.
>Lady said that rinsing is not working properly, what could be the problem there?
I'm no appliance guy but washing machines are relatively simple technology and I generally know how one works. I'm gonna assume we're talking about a euro type front loader like the pic because that's what's most common in the world.
A typical machine has 2 inlet valves inside. 1 is for the prewash compartment of the drawer, the 2nd is for the main wash compartment and opening both of them releases water into the softener compartment. I believe 99% of them run straight off of mains voltage, it should be easy to test, there's also a test mode on all remotely recent washers, you could search up how to get into it on that particular make and model and how to check the inlet valves.
It's not uncommon that washers control rinse fill by timing rather than sensor. What's quite likely is that something in the inlet system is clogged with limescale and shit and has reduced the flow rate so the rinse cycles don't get enough water. The water supply hose has a filter where it enters the machine, I'd check that first. If that isn't clogged I'd check the sprayers above the detergent drawer and the inlet hole(s) to the drum as well. That entire compartment gets filled with shit, detergent residue, sometimes mold since it's often wet. If those are fine I'd check the valves themselves, you should hear them click and see water come out when they get power. If they work then take the top cover off and check the hoses to the drawer sprayers, their internal diameter is rather small. Can't help you if it's an American style top loader, those are outdated technology.
Appliance repair is piss easy. Godspeed anon.
nigga you should get some washing machines from a scrapyard and mess with them to learn how they work before going to a customer
she's been putting in too much detergent
any 20v drill kit and an amazon basics tool kit will be good enough. bring a phone, a spare light, and be prepared to google a bunch of shit
also third world repair is very different from industrialized nations' "replace the component" repair
>Lady said that rinsing is not working properly, what could be the problem there?
Pushup bras are handwash only or the metal wire eats its way out and falls out of the drum into the machine clogging the flush out. No one here has the social skills to help you with bringing up the topic. You're on your own.
>also third world repair is very different from industrialized nations' "replace the component" repair
yeah it's better
>stapled my dryer's belt back together after it exploded
>it lasted a whopping 10 revolutions and broke apart
great success
Theres little plastic filters that look like thimbles on the water inlets to the machine that should be checked first

Especially if it works on cold, but not hot
You could just say no, dude.
>>stapled my dryer's belt back together after it exploded
>>it lasted a whopping 10 revolutions and broke apart

You need to learn how to properly lace a belt.
There are youtube videos for fixing almost every common household appliance. Also look up how to get the error code of the machine, look it up online and proceed from there.
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"Rinsing is not working"
make sure all water valves and supply system is working. Most modern washers will use cold water only for rinse cycle
>Appliance repair is piss easy
Used to be. Damn I miss the good old days
>mfw Samsung built GE French Door fridge today

As a general fallback procedure:
1. Find model number
1a. Find service manual, or owners manual to work through basic steps
2. Check top selling parts for this model
2a. Read customer reviews on this machine and parts, match problem to user report if possible
3. Inspect for obvious damage/fault
3a. Run test program or test cycle if available, look for a technicians sheet somewhere hidden
4. Use your human senses and tools. LISTEN, use multimeter, etc.

5. If you dont know, make something realistic up, see 2a, apologize, and GTFO without charging. Pray they dont complain about you too much.

Absent formal training or genius level IQ, you cant learn modern appliance repair quickly.
based knower
pay for the newfi and ge isn't that bad... also the last samsung made GE was like a decade ago... and your gonna need the drain tube kit... like every goddamn samsung from then... but the icemaker will probably work since its not the direct contact model....
>20v drill kit
There is nothing useful you can do with a drill to repair a washing machine.

Make sure to bring a 1/4" socket set with a ratchet, extensions and a universal joint, stuff like the motor screws are always in near unreachable places.
You'll probably also need a bunch of weird pliers, like waterpump, needle nose, to unlock all sorts of weird springy hose clamps.
A ratcheting strap is really useful in case you need to dig deep and unhook the drum.

I hate fixing washing machines, it's always a bitch to take them apart and even more of a bitch to get them back together, and half the time you either can't get the part at all or it's hillariously expensive.
>>need to stay in a foreign country because reasons
Tangentially related but I wanna complain about it, Japan has the stupidest washing machines I've ever used. They destroy your clothes without an agitator somehow, don't use hot water, and no one there has a dryer. They are so advanced in a lot of tech and then their whole clothes washing situation is ass backwards.
anons I need help.

my family washer is cured the house. last 3 machines have issues with medium to large loads and vibrate like a brick was thrown in them.

I swear one day its just going to rapidly disassemble itself.

(curse of 3 washers in 5 years....its hell)
>buy a work patent
what the fuck is a work patent and why do you buy it?

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