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I have a fridge pic rel. Once in a while it displays "E1" and stops cooling. After some time the error disappears and the fridge starts working again. Once or twice I saw "Er" instead. This hasn't spoiled my food so I didn't really see it as an issue of critical priority, but I guess it'd be best to fix this eventually.

The question is whether I should:
a) call the official Haier service
b) look up "fridge reparation in $AREA" and get a random handyman to fix my fridge
c) fix it myself

Unfortunately, I'm not really knowledgeable about fridges or devices in general, so I guess I'm left with either option a) or b) unless it's some trivial fix. What do you recommend?
How clean are the coils? You should start by cleaning them off.
An e1 error is it saying a temp sensor is out of range. Relatively easy fix if you know what you're doing and can find which one is reading wrong. You should also clean your coils, that's a basic bit of maintenance most people don't do
I wanted to just call a company to fix this shit, but two companies declined, and the third one just ignored me.

In the service manual:
I found information that E1 means "Freezer fan motor malfunction", so I disassembled the fridge, and found a replacement motor:
One mystery is why would the malfunction of the freezer fan cause not only the freezer temperature to rise, but also the normal refrigeration compartment too. But that's a mystery to be solved after I get and install the new motor
> One mystery is why would the malfunction of the freezer fan cause not only the freezer temperature to rise, but also the normal refrigeration compartment too
Iirc Smeg fridges, at least the older ones, have the same behaviour. The cooling and freezing are apparently not separate systems. Don’t know how it works exactly

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