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what would be the fastest way to dig tons of semicircular bunds in deserted land?
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Literally seconds with the right amount of explosives
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Sorry, I should have said fastest yet affordable
Child labor, hmm... Not a bad idea
how expensive is dynamite? farmers use it to clear stumps, can't be too expensive or hard to get
You're retarded if you think fucking dynamite is a better use of money than an auger
Sorry I forgot to ask, do you have any dynamite that blows up halfway to make a half moon shape? If it blows up all the way it won't work, so it has to be left side only dynamite
for removing stumps? try using an auger to clear out 1000's of stumps to clear land for farming or road making

for OP's issue, OP asked for fastest, not "most cost efficient"
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I got you senpai
imagine the costs of running an auger vs a couple hundred pounds of dynamite
diesel cost alone would probably be more
dynamite + cleanup you mean
dynamite does not blow up into specific shapes despite what you have seen your entire life while watching Looney Tunes
"tons" of semicircular bunds means over 4000 bunds. that's well above the threshold at which small engines + fuel becomes cheaper than huge quantities of explosives plus the manual labor to correct the explosive's shape. Also, do you know what would make the explosives more effective? If they were placed in the ground. Using a hole digging tool, like an auger or something. Hmm.
I was honestly just hoping there would be some sort of side swipe scooping heavy machinery addon I had never heard of and that would be the end of my troubles
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a pack of push pull 657s can literally move mountains
Okay, I like your mindset but that's a bit overkill considering what the goal is

The heavy equipment would completely erode and negate the work it did as it was leaving that job site, not exactly an ideal situation
If you don't need them lined up nicely I would guess just dropping 80kg balls of compressed earth from a plane would dig a nice hole. Could embed seeds and slow release fertilizer in it too, there also must be places you could drop them where its impossible to get machines on land.
you people are drunk
Depends, what costs more at your project site, technology or manual labor? If tech, get some dudes to dig holes all day every day until you're done.
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>do you have any dynamite that blows up halfway to make a half moon shape?
Shell craters do this. Maybe a good use for surplus artillery
God damn what a stupid idea
How has no one said an excavator yet? You could probably even park the excavator at the center point of each "bund" as you call it and then push with the back of the bucket to build a berm and then pivot around making it nice and circular and then track to the next place and do it again. Size the excavator according to how big you want your bund to be.
Hmm, this could work.
>each "bund" as you call it
I'm just using the most common term for it, there's a sparse Wikipedia article that also mentions calling them demi-lunes and half-moons. I prefer the term half moon myself but it's not as specific since it's just a shape description. A bund is an embankment used to control the flow of water.
I'm not saying you're wrong calling it a bund, I have just never heard the term until this very thread... In fact I have only very recently started seeing this desert oasification talk popping up on the internet. How long have they been doing this, and why is it just now starting to show up online?
>How long have they been doing this
That's hard to say. Many ancient cultures practiced a lot of these ideas, but there isn't a clear continuity. Geoff Lawton started his Greening the Desert project in the early 2000s I believe.
Why is it just now starting to show up online? I don't really know, but I would suspect soaring land prices are making desert land more attractive than ever before. I'm poor, and if I wanted to buy a 1/3 acre empty plot in my city I would be in debt for the next ten years.
I am not going to try to drop bombs onto my land to improve it. I am not going to shoot the land with artillery shells. I am not going to explode the land with dynamite. Even if I did have access to that kind of shit, I wouldn't do it.
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get a tractor with a large stump grinder. the kind that moves side to side.
Not sure, Presumably the soil sucks, soo solar leaf blower on a crescent track pointing downwardly to give that sharp angle and the decreasing velocity moves less dirt from source creating a slope. Long term usage will dry soil increasing depth this would be a multi day installation maybe weeks so you get a good average slope and expose large aggregates.
I do think you could get away with digging a deep hole and fortifying one edge and let it crumble and the wind/water eroded it into an average slope. Maybe a temp plaster shield something.
Very old shit, think it goes back to the snake sculptures in early agrarian tribes. Crop superstition, man that shit will make your head spin.
>Why is it just now starting to show up online
Uhh I think there has been major success in teaching this technique and it yielding results for the "wheel-less" culture on the planet.
Inb4 that's racist.
You can achieve similar results with a burlap screen, you are capturing airborne microbes that fall die and feed soil microbes and water that collects into a small divit. Define your goal op.
I have no clue what this means
my goal is to transform a little spot in the desert into an oasis so resilient that it will grow into the surrounding area rather than be swallowed up by it. I'm not planning on screening or walling it off, but I was thinking of using privacy trees and hedges all along the border of the property. After I finish with my property I would start doing the same things to nearby properties, hopefully with permission.
This might work well. What happens when they hit a large rock though?

has been used for ages, and u could make holes quick that way, and u really don't need high expulsive, improvised explosives and pressure based blasts will work just fine for that.

this is just for the hole thou, u could guide the blast but it is more dangerous especially if u don't know what u are doing, it would be safer to just cover and blast.
the walls could be supported with rocks and studs and the base with gravel.

another way is high pressure water jet similar to what the Egyptians used in 73 10th of Ramadan offensive

here is someone digging a trench:

here is some one digging a narrow hole:

u could adapt these techniques to dig semi circular basins with ease provided u have a slurry pump in the basin or a drain ditch.
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here is a concept of how to do it
Kek this is honestly not even a bad idea
>tons of
A purpose built machine, as with anything made in large numbers.
Pivoting snow plow blade
>Pivot forward creating semicircle on uphill side
>Pull forward 20 feet
Actually a winch and arched piece of steel would be cheap and easy, just tilting off a car/truck hitch
the B-52 has a payload of like 32 tons so this could actually work

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