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why do boomers love these things?
>extremely ineffective
>blow dirt and dust all over people's cars and in people's faces.

I've never seen a pile of leaves that would be faster to clean up with a blower vs a rake.
seriously, a rake and big trash can is ALWAYS faster than blowing leaves around all over the place. there are multiple retards in my area who run them for fucking HOURS because they can't everything together in one place, and of course they're blowing all their shit into other people's yards.
fuck leaf blowers.
If you have areas with gravel, sand, river stone etc. (typical in areas where water is scarce and/or expensive and lawns and other ground cover aren't practical), you can't just rake up leaves and other debris faster than a leaf blower, or at all in some cases without displacing those materials.
Same with loose laid papers, of all the options to remove debris a blower is the least likely to fuck them up by displacing the sand used to fill the crevices between them.
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>extremely ineffective
only if you are retarded.
>blow dirt and dust all over people's cars and in people's faces
most mexicans will blow off cars that are nearby, and stop when people are passing.

>I've never seen a pile of leaves that would be faster to clean up with a blower
no one cares.
Pavers, not papers
I have a corded one just for cleaning out my outside firebox
I use one to sweep my shop and blow out my truck beds.
>>blow dirt and dust all over people's cars and in people's faces.

You say this like it's a bad thing. I'd take my leaf blower and aim it directly at your face if you acted like you wanted to talk to me. Fuck all the way off.
youre welcome to come over and get the leaves off my gravel driveway without a leaf blower. have fun faggot. Also, that pic makes them look pretty effective, good job
If you don't know what a leaf vacuum is and how a blower is worth its weight in gold, then shut the fuck up acrelet.
I picked up a stihl backpack blower for $50 last year. Feels good bros!
you wouldn't do shit pussy faggot.
If you compare how your back feels after using a leaf blower to having to sweep up and scoop up lots of dirt and sand along with the leaves then you'll understand why people prefer leaf blowers. Yes they're loud, get over it. Maybe the cheap ones are ineffective, but generally they are extremely effective. And if your neighbor is covering your car and face with dirt and dust that's because they hate you as a person, not because they don't know how to use a leaf blower.
fucking where
>fucking where
Local used equipment place that sells basically everything tractor and farm related. It was used obviously. Just came in from a cleanout of a government place. It was sittin' in the "new pile" where they offload trailer loads of stuff before getting it all sorted out and put away. I primed it, choked it, and it fired up on the 3rd or 4th pull. Grabbed that, two flammable cabinets full of gas cans that still had fuel and buckets of hydraulic oil, another cabinet full of random tools, a medical cabinet with drawers on casters, and a few other things for like $500 total... It was a good day.

a few months back I scored a ms290 there for $75 if I remember right, and a couple days ago I scored a FS56RC weed eater there for $50...

Didn't really need another chainsaw or weed eater, but I know what new ones cost so I couldn't just pass em by.
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Pic related is me when I’m leaf blowing

OP is obviously just butt hurt, probably a virgin too. I’m not going to explain the uses of a leaf blower to him.

Feel free to stay mad OP
I share your hatred anon, but just for the lazy as fuck boomers, not the leaf blowers. I use mine for a lot of shit and it's handy, for the probably like 8 different things I use it for none of it takes more than 15 min. Using it on things you can't get with other tools is great, blowing one leaf around for 45 fucking minutes instead of just picking it up should be punishable by death
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>you wouldn't do shit pussy faggot.
>nooo i can't have a few leaves on my lawn! i must fire up this jet engine at the crack of dawn to remove them!
Leaf blowers are for a very special kind of faggot.
it's specifically in the case of leaves on an average sized lawn that a rake is faster, cheaper, and quieter, it's just obese boomers who need to justify their expense somehow so they fire it up at 6:30 am
why the fuck would you even care about some leaves lying around?
I just use my harley exhaust to flex on boomers
>why the fuck would you even care about some leaves lying around?
you obviously havent had to write checks for thousands of dollarinos to gravel your driveway. leaves rot and make weeds root and grow which chuns expensive gravel into muddy slop
I use it because I hate my neighbor because they let their dog out at night and it never stops barking so it wake me up. He works nights, so I use my leaf blower first thing at 7 am, it's my way of saying fuck you. Sometimes I'll just full blast the throttle next to the property edge intermittently for no reason whatsoever beyond annoying him he gets the memo though, he'll stop letting his dog bark for a few days, but he's simple minded so he needs reminders which I'm happy to provide as needed.
What are you talking about? Lived in the country my whole life, never saw this, not because of leaves.
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you must live in a mystical place i could only dream of where it isnt 40 and raining 6 months straight every year
gravel here is a money laundering rental racket. you dump it on the ground and it disappears in 3 years or less
t. where the mighty doug fir grows
I hate noise so I use a rake
Some leaves aren't a problem, but some leaves turns into lots of leaves and lots of leaves are a problem. It will smother the grass and act as a breeding ground for bugs and snakes and roaches. The whole point of having a lawn of short cut grass is to act as a buffer zone between your house and the rest of nature, to minimize pests in and around the home. Having piles of leaves defeats that purpose.
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You should just get one of these anti dog barking devices. it doesn't cost much, it works 24/7/365 so the dog itself will get the message, and you can stop being "that leaf blower asshole" to your neighbors
it's not mystical, it sounds like you have the worst weather climate on the planet. maybe you should move.
>I hate noise
strong indicator of high IQ, schopenhauer talks about this

Already tried that and it doesn't work on their dog unfortunately. Therefore, I will persist as leaf blower asshole. Also tried talking to the guy, said he'd get he dog trained and never did.

Is that why my wife cant do anything without blasting music? Fucker turns up the speaker in the room i am in so she can hear it in the other room
What if you're cleaning up a big pile of sand and dirt but you don't want to leave a bunch of evidence about where it went?
I clean up my apartment complex just because I fucking live here and it honestly makes the nogs seethe when a white person just improves their environment, sweeps the sidewalk, picks up their trash, and fills in potholes for no reason.
You on the other hand sound like someone who doesn't do fuck all anything in life yet you have the gall to whine and bitch about someone else being productive outside. Maybe if you went outside more and were more productive then your life wouldn't have turned out the way that it did.
shut the entire fuck up faggot, I use a fucking rake to clean my lawn because I'm not an obese piece of shit like you. I make more money than you and I own my house rentoid little bitch.
I don't mind noise as long as it isn't useless noise. If i'm running a leaf blower or blowing off equipment the loud noises don't bother me, but I very rarely have a radio on when running equipment or driving because the extra noise just for the sake of noise seems useless to me.
>cant do anything without blasting music
strong indicator for low iq. sorry but your wife is retarded. it's terminal.

>so she can hear it in the other room
holy shit this would drive me insane. the one thing people who do this (play their music aloud instead of wearing head/earphones) have in common is they don't seem to understand how sound works i.e. it's not just them who can hear it
triggered faggot, I'm going to use my leaf blower this morning in your honor
maybe his wife was trying to get his lame depressed as up and in a better mood with some music
but all he could manage was to talk shit about her behind her back on the internet
this is what all speaker subhumans think, they all genuinely think they're doing everyone around them a favor by blasting their music.

nobody wants to hear your fucking music you worthless faggot, get it through your head
too bad, stay triggered and mad
lots of people like hearing my music so I'll keep on playing it really loud, if someone has a problem that's just too bad because everyone can play music
the right to silence can only be purchased by owning very large tracts of fenced off land
Hello fellow PNWer, I know your pain. OP also doesn't seem to understand that rakes and even brooms don't work worth a shit on evergreen needles. Blowers are the only thing that take care of fir, pine, redwood and cedar needles reliably.
and of course the speaker subhuman reverts to "u mad" when they run out of arguments, revealing their infantile mindset
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the only good use for this thing is to blow nog wigs
you're stupid and childish and not worth arguing with
you keep calling everyone else subhuman when all you do is mudsling instead of staying on topic, so really you're the only subhuman in the thread
there's nothing infantile about suggesting his wife was trying to get him in a better mood, but your reaction was actually very infantile. it's clear to everyone here that you do not and will not ever have a wife.
>you're le infantile you le don't have a wife!!
lmao faggot, slit your wrists
Tell me you’re a poor landscaper without telling me.
>Tell me you’re a poor landscaper without telling me.
Not even close bro. I'm poor, but not a landscaper.
is that gordon freeman
Not that any of you live above the 45th parallel, but for the right type of snow, theyre useful as hell. Heavy wet snow? No bueno, but 3 inches of the lightest flakiest snow from a tv commercial? Yeah you could shovel it or use a broom, but a leafblower for cars, car roofs and sidewalks cant be rivaled. Poof your windshield is clear. Poof so is your girls. So is the path to the house. Didnt touch a shovel or leave a pile.

Things like tractors and stuff that get snow and ice piled up around pedals that need to move. Break it up and blow it out with a leaf blower. Otherwise your hands will get wet.

Theyve got their place in my heart. Keeping ditches clear of.... leaves and debris is also easier than with a rake or shovel

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