>Rocks and stones are free if you have the resources to gather them. >If you also can make them into stone blocks then you can build anything for free given that you have the time and mortar. Is this true? What tools are needed. I want my own castle and it would be fun to build.
>>2877472I tried to google but everything that comes up is related to minecraft.
>>2877473should have been a pretty good hint as to how childish your question is
>>2877472Mortar is far from free when you're trying to build a structure, not to mention tools and skillPlus, rocks are expensive as fuck for tons of reasons. Good luck buying rock rich land
>>2877496in AZ and I have millions of rocks all around me.
>>2877509As long as they are on your lot, then fine. But if I catch you gathering stones on my land, or on public property, then you won't walk right for two weeks.
>>2877472>Rocks and stones are free if you have the resources to gather them. Depends on location. I can legally get them from collection places for farmers (where we're supposed to throw all rocks we remove from our fields and don't need), but I don't know about any place where you can legally gather rocks on other people's land.>If you also can make them into stone blocks then you can build anything for free given that you have the time and mortar. Who needs mortar? Though if you do, it's just a matter of getting the right kind of rock (chalk), burning it and adding some water.
>>2877472can confirm, i built mine with 100% free stones>What tools are neededhammer, trowel, level, a couple of buckets, string, nails, a concrete mixer and a pickup truck
>>2877496It's not free but it's by far the least of the building cost, make sure to get the sand in bulk because the premixed stuff is a robbery, the big money is in the finishings.
>>2877577You wouldn't fuck a guy in the ass now, would you?
>>2877577Yeah because someone who has to carry and load 80-100 pound stones all day will be phased by your squishy ass, we are taking all your stones and you won't do shit bish.
>>2877577Why do you care if he gathers worthless rocks from public parks?
>>2877621Why would anyone mind?
>>2877472There are some experimental archeologists who do this kind of work, for example:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%C3%A9delon_CastleYou can also look at one-man projects like this:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_of_Justohttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_Castle
Rocks from mexico and canda are cheap, ore even free… but drumpf is going to put tarrifs.So just get the rocks for free, $0 + $0 * .50 = $0, just pay for shipping.
>>2877594thats a lot of plugs
>>2877472>resources to gather themThis is not free.>make them into stone blocks>time and mortarThese are also not free.
>>2877472land isn't free, the entire planet is already claimed by countries, and you need a deed granting you building and living rights on said land
>>2877594>that green stringAt least we know it's level.
>>2877472True! I recently learned about this and it's great. I would do it if I really had to.>>2877594Based! I read that while most can be used, some rocks/stones can't be built with. Did you have trouble finding and gathering suitable stones?>>2878473Much cheaper even so. To the point it's basically free.Would rather pay, say, $10.000 or less for a stone house that might last centuries, or pay $500.000 for the typical stick-and-cardboard American house that gets blown away at the slightest wind and rots in 20-50 years?>inb4 REEEEEE AMERICAN STICK HOUSES ARE ETERNAL WHATS HALF A MILLION FOR A CARDBOARD HUT YOU FUCKING EUROPOOR REEEEERight.
>>2879863your eurohut sir
>>2879885Bet you that house is 200 years old, 120 of which has been completely abandoned and without maintainance.An American house would look the same after 2 years in the same conditions. Kek.Also>cement block walls and metal sheet roofingMuch more modern (and less durable) than the ancient stone/brick/log/adobe/rammed earth buildings of Europe.
>>2879752There are several islands in the middle of nowhere with no formal claim. Basically just rocks with birds. Rock castle.
>>2879887>An American house would look the same after 2 years in the same conditionsThere's a house on my property that's been abandoned since at least the 1970s. It's in moderately better condition than the one in the photo. The point of failure has been the shifting block foundation pulling the structure away from the brick chimney, not the wood framing.
>>2879907Where? As far as I know the only land no one wants is some sand dunes between two countries in Africa. Even Antarctica is claimed.
>>2879863if you think $10000 worth of stone can possibly even come close to getting you the equivalent sized building as a $500000 stick frame then you're out of your fucking mindstone is great but it's not cheap, and working with it is a very long and laborious process. it takes much longer and much more labor to build a house from stone, much less a castle.
>>2879984>STICK HOUSES ARE ETERNAL REEEKek. I've seen before and after pictures of American houses in a period of 2-10 years of abandonment. The one you talk about sounds like an outlier.>>2879994>$10000 worth of stoneThe stone would be mined and gathered by oneself, not bought. How much do you think it will cost you in gas to haul enough stone for a house to your property? Definitely less than $10k. I said $10k because I'm adding the cost of the cement, the septic system, the plumbing, the electric wiring, etc. (All DIY, of course, so you only need the cost of materials).I've watched DIY stick houses from the US, and the sticks alone almost always cost $20k or more. You might save more if you have wooded land and rent a sawmill or make a DIY sawmill with chainsaws, but you'll still need to fell the trees and haul them around and treat the wood. So it'll also take time and labor and money, for a house that might last 100 years top, as opposed to centuries.>longerWhat do you want it built quickly for? So it collapses in 2 years at the slightest breeze?>more laborYou'll do the labor. And if you have friends willing to help you, even better. And it's not like you're in a hurry. You can do it at your pace. Don't talk as if it'll take you 50 years.I bet your next post will be>MUH GUNS REEE
>>2880025>2-10 years of abandonmentWhy and how were they abandoned? If the roof and foundation were solid and the windows aren't busted out there's no real reason it should fall apart in two years. Vandalism and natural disasters are about the only way a house is deteriorating that quickly.
>>2880033They're literal sticks and cardboards joint together with screws or nails or glue, friend. All you need is a bit of water or wind or earth or fire.
>>2877472New England is littered with 200 year old stone foundations built by homesteaders, not necessarily even with mortar, and they're still sound. If you had good stones on your land and a tractor of any kind I don't see why you wouldn't be eons ahead of them already. The hard pill you have to swallow, though, is that they were hard as hell and fighting for their way of life. Make of that what you will.If you're serious maybe cast a wider net and look into lean-to, timber frame, straw bale, adobe, wattle and daub, pole, yurt, dome, "underground..." the list goes on. The site should determine everything and while yes, stone is badass, it is very difficult; while "free" it will demand enormous amounts of sweat equity, which is probably why seemingly nobody is building it. You may wish to read about Helen and Scott Nearing and the many structures they built largely out of local stone with cement. They were able to do this pretty economically including as regards time.
>>2877609if I catch you gathering stones, then well, your ass is grass and Im the lawnmower.
>>2880025If you want a castle like you fucking said then it will take you a long longer than 50 years. Get started, you've got a lot of work ahead of you, and you shouldn't be wasting time here
>>2880064Stop same-fagging. You won't do shit.
>>2880060>and they're still soundyou're retarded and you haven't been talking anyone in the know, such as foundation repairers or demolition guys, because if you had you would know almost all of them have been destroyed and the few that left standing were built by people who knew what they were doing. You, on the other hand, don't have a clue what you're doing.
>>2880103not that anon but you're a lowlife thief as well as being a massive faggot. you think you can steal enough rocks to build not just a house but an entire castle by yourself and not get shot while you're repeatedly trespassing and commiting theft? god damn this level of delusion is off the charts. by all means, go ahead with your plan. you will almost certainly get shot dead by the landowner(s), but nothing of value will be lost.
>>2880107There is a lot of open rocky land around me. Why wouldn't the owner want it cleared of rocks? They are never around and even if they cared, they would not shoot anyone over some rocks.
>>2880101I'm not OP.>>2880064>>2880105>>2880107Anon absolutely seething he lives in a cardboard house or has to pay thousands of dollars every month in rent/mortgage for a bunch of toothpicks. Kek.>inb4 BUT MUH GUNS!!!
>>2880120This. Anon thinks anyone or the government will care if you take 0.5% of all the rocks a whole fucking mountain is made of.
>>2880123What's that, son? You were saying something?
>>2880123https://www.waff.com/2024/11/27/lawrence-county-man-accused-stealing-former-rock-quarry-site/https://lincolnparishjournal.com/2023/05/05/man-arrested-for-stealing-rocks/https://www.lasvegasoptic.com/news/crime/affidavit-man-threatened-hiker-with-pistol-for-taking-rocks/article_20a5929c-6101-11ed-8f08-1305cdd56ebd.htmland many more such incidents, I'm sure
>>2877621Geese were free before the Haitians extincted them.
>>2880237>https://lincolnparishjournal.com/2023/05/05/man-arrested-for-stealing-rocks/Only this one is about actual rock theft, and it's not about naturally occurring stone.
>Seeing stuff lying around must mean it has no value and people won’t notice if it’s missing.Think anon, there’s a reason these places don’t hav rocks instead of houses built on top of them.
If you have land that has rocks on it it's free, granted you have to dig a hole for it probably.>>2877496>Good luck buying rock rich landIsn't that usually the land that's shitty and cheap?>>2877609You'll be waddling by about the 2 hour mark of carrying stones and won't be a threat to him.