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this guy is insane

>still rolling on (poorly built) steam engines
Top kek the jokes write themselves. It's like India + Russia but none of the good parts of those countries.
t. cringe anon that will never own a car that runs on wood cut with a steam chainsaw
Brazilian porn stars > Russian porn stars
That thing is actually really cool
>burrito burrito taco enchilada churro refried beans
no thx
retarded mutt
He who cuts his own wood is twice driven
Cool stuff. I am always spooked by homemade steam power stuff. Especially if built by thirdies who are allergic to relief valves and good welding practices. He should use it to power one of those homemade man-eater log splitters
russian women are peak sexo tho
that five star setup looks based
did he even make the engine the chainsaw stuff looks braindead
steam engines went away too quickly desu
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how loud is that fucking thing though? I always imagine them to have some high pitch ear splitting sound up close.
>cutting twigs
axe would have taken half the time
yeah and did you see the car? would have been quicker walking
yeah he did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOqS02wEwv0
how many hp

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