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So i've been wanting to get into electroplating since it's something i've been interested in doing for awhile and seems like something that would be fun, regardless of I end up using it as a side hustle and start selling little plated trinkets to people at the flea market.
The issue is this venture has caused me to get PPE, some beakers, flasks, hot plate, and some nitric acid for breaking down silver.
All this has made me wonder what are some other hobby/side hustle things I could do that are
>Relatively safe, Im not fucking with cyanide and arsenic stuff
>Cool and/or fun
>Could possibly lead to a side hustle, so something that works on a small scale and is niche enough that most chemical labs wont bother with it.

I appreciate any and all of your ideas, /diy/
3D print some moulds and cast sillcone sex toys for degenerate furries.
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Oh yeah, and no illegal stuff like drugs
some people recycle gold from recycled cellphones by using chemicals. i think its called aqua regia. also fireworks.
>aqua regia
>Im not fucking with cyanide and arsenic stuff
IMO these are mandatory in silver plating
Our laboratory janitor used to silver plate dead bugs for profit, then burn the organics out in furnace, anyway there was cyanide involved.
Just get a good ventilation and read some literature.
just buy a bush plating kit and whatever solution. i was thinking about buying that gold plated icon wrench but then i looked into plating myself. you can get everything on amazon
I´ve wanted to plate some 3d prints of mine but sadly here in Europe getting acid´s of that concentration is impossible,
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Does anyone know a way to measure the thickness easily?
Calipers are not possible in complex geometry's
I want to try brush coating to improve strength, but when you have a layer that's a few microns thick it's already non clear and to the eye it looks the same.

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