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I thought you guys might be interested in some congealed ideas that I cooked up as solutions to problems I repeatedly encounter. Because I like constructing things out of ambient materials and available energy systems, I found myself in a state of inefficacy due to the nightmare of inchoate twisting labyrinthine unknown and unparsable black tendrils of lop-lop rend mind and spirit.

This is my retort. No, I will not submit to such pathetic obstacles without a resounding chuckle.

Check it out brah. I made this forcing of order on the horror out of scrap lumber, hot glue, a rigged up stolen cordless impact driver made into a drill, cut up clothes hangers, 2 wood screws, double sided velcro, and paint marker.

I made up my mind to stop being a parasite and share my ideas with my fellow man in a free and open source manner inspired by the irresistible and legendary Richard Stallman.

May the /diy/ swerve series be of use to you who make, and through your making prove that you are free.
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Meds. Take them.
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about
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ok so what's it do
Have the drugs worn off op?
Well it sure looks DIY....

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