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How likely will I get snitched on for building a cheap timber or cmu house on a 1/4-1ac plot here in the midwest?

Prices insulation etc I'm still working on but first I wanna know if it's even possible to go under the radar. Obv no utility hookups
Doesn't it remind us of something?
In many places in rural america its so easy to be not be under the radar.
Everything buildings is regulated by the town.
Find out what you can and cant do without a permit
In my small town, you can find online that you can build 96 sq feet without a permit.
Next town over is 200.
As long as you arent committing crime or being a nuisance, people will let you do a lot.

Building something unpermitted is a great way to have way too much to lose.
If you dont wanna deal with rules, put it on a trailer
If you are in city limits and have neighbors within sight, which it sounds like with that lot size, you will probably get caught. If you have a big lot and are out in the county, it is much less likely.
People are retarded. There are areas in the US where you can build what you want with zero permits. In my county no permit is needed for anything beside septic. So if you build a 5k sqft house with composting toilets not one permit would be needed.
Keep in mind that building codes/ permits aren't the only regulations that can trip you up, even in very rural areas outside of municipal boundaries there may still be zoning restrictions that prohibit certain uses regardless of building code compliance.
Ultimately it's more about what you are willing to risk losing; best to assume that someone will eventually put you under the microscope and plan around being able to bring the structure into compliance at that time, unless you are willing to just walk away and eat any costs to remove the structure.

Also consider that what seems remote and unrestricted now may not be in 10-20 years, just when you are ready to settle in and enjoy it or sell. New regs could even happen while you are building on an otherwise unrestricted site.
Once you buy/build you are almost 100% of the time grandfathered under the old zoning.
Unless you're a lolcow streaming your location, you'll probably not get Lambright'd. Just how out of the way are you trying to build this? You'd be safer from the worthless legal system if you're remote enough, but then you have to worry about other dangers, like skinwalkers.
You won't get physically harmed or jailed, but you will have to pay a lot of money in fees and penalties, or walk away from the lot.
>You won't get physically harmed
Only if you cooperate with the Sheriff when he removes you from the property.
second post is right, i'll just add that even if you don't need a permit under a certain surface you still need to declare it
having a bunch of trailers stitched together would probably be your best option if you want something big, a single trailer would do fine otherwise
yeah i would be streaming 24/7 just so that if I do die there's a chance someone might notice
> 96 sq feet
Hmm… what to do….
I know, I, build ten 95 sq ft. sheds!
I definitely won’t connect them later mr inspector!
> “why is this one called “kitchen” and the other o e labelled “bedroom”?
Kitchen is spanish for bike shed and bedroom is hindi for toolshed.
You can move out of a jurisdictions that requires permits.
I have a permitless 4 bedroom which is legal.
Also why not just get a permit?
It's not exactly rocket surgery, filed it for buddies shed and it cost $150 or so, no big deal.
He's saying he's out past where permits are required which usually means they don't have rules

Extremely rural areas are like that
I have an uncle who just calls in what he's building to the county and they mark it down on his property documents for insurance and whatnot
Permits are a scam.
In my area, if you even want to add a bathroom because you have trouble walking, you have to also apply for a “suite” permit because they assume you’re subletting it. Not only will the “suite” will trigger at least $50,000 more changes you need to make (like re-doing all the walls for a higher fire rating), you get your taxes doubled for the next…. Well forever. Taxes never seem to go down.
>In my county no permit is needed for anything beside septic.
post county
LOL no
Butts County, GA
Yes, the first time you somehow piss of the local busybody, they're going to snitch on you. Check your local regulations.

I mean, I was young and was living in an rv, I didnt know anything

I built an octagon cuz "how do you maximize the volume of a small figure, circle" lol.

135 degrees is a dumb angle to build with for the record
This talk of getting evicted, multed, and jailed from the house you built, or getting your house destroyed on purpose...
Sounds like something the 2A was made for. How come there aren't mass shootings about it? Do Americans rather be homeless than not pay for permission or build their houses 1cm smaller than the regulation says?
Are sheriffs and tax officials willing to get murdered over some permit in the US?
This reminds me of that case in the UK. What was his name? Dryden?
It depends entirely on your neighbours. 1. If you have any to report you 2. Nosy enough to do so 3. Knowledgeable enough to know if your project is unlicensed. Generally, as long as it doesn't look like a total eyesore, nobody will complain.
>Are sheriffs and tax officials willing to get murdered over some permit in the US?
Have you seen the state of US police forces? They will shoot you in the fucking face at a traffic stop if they feel like it. The chance to raid some neckbeard fuckwit that thinks they're 'above the law' would give their SWAT team a raging hardon.
>Literally needing permission to build your own house on your own land.
The modern world is so gay.
>How likely will I get snitched on
can it be seen from the street?
do your neighbors hate you, or are anyone named karen?
if yes to either, then yes.

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