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i am so tired of my wife misplacing my stuff. i am sure i had a wire stripper. those battery cases wires get all crumbled up unless you cut them with a wirestripper. i had to buy jumper cables snd batteries over and over.
i might get a big plastic container and put a lock in it.
My wife's afraid to touch any of my tools or gear, in a very womanly "it's scary noooo" way, but she does fuck up my kitchen organization like clockwork so I sympathize.

You probably don't even need a lock, just get a secondhand trunk, throw your shit in it and latch it and she'll probably keep clear. Trunk just because plastic totes look like shit.
a man should regularly discipline his wife
My wife takes and shit I left lying around, puts it in a opaque plastic shopping bag, put that in a random unlabelled cardboard box with other ones and when that box is full, she takes it to the unlabelled box storage area with our other unopened moving boxes we haven’t opened in 20 years.

Needless to say, it’t cheaper for me to run down to home depot and buy a new tape measure every time rather than find the thing… if you value your time at all, that is.
Do you have things put away in a specific place where they belong? If not, then it's on you for being a worthless nigger and you deserve an ass-whooping. If you do have them put away properly and your wife takes these things and then loses them for you, then she needs a good ol' wife-beating... Either way, someone oughta get their ass beat.
this "man" has never had a woman.
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heres me and kiddo. What else shoukd i show? bank statement? drivers license?
I had to move back in with my family a few years ago (thanks to covid) and that unfortunately includes my brother and my brother's friend who rents a spare room. Both of them are potheads who also do /diy/-ish stuff and my tools constantly get "borrowed" and then either forgotten in their rooms or left in some completely random place elsewhere in the house. It's fucking maddening.

Thankfully I've already signed a lease on my own place starting Jan 1 and I won't have to deal with it anymore.
>leave something somewhere for 6 months
>a woman moves it somewhere else exactly moments before i go to retrieve it
>(none of her shit ever gets tidied up or put away only my things)
Yes to both.
After seeing your videos I didn't really believe you had a wife. Real question but doesn't your wife find it offensive that you are doing the robot stuff ? does she know?
She just calls it nonsense. She doesnt know im trying to build a sex bot.
Why do you look like store brand Adam Sandler?
Cover everything in traces of moly grease. That will teach her.
well she stopped touching my stuff after i complained enough. i also found sone of the misding stuff under a box under the table. Didnt know this thread woukd stay up for so long.
Just admit it folks. Women are fucking retarded and won't leave shit alone. They take yours dainty bullshit, too far
what a dumb cunt.

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