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Are (You) too cool for safety glasses?
No. In fact I have prescription WileyX sunglasses/ safety glasses for outside in the sun and clear WileyX safety glasses for in the shop or for after the sun goes down. My eyes are extremely dry for some reason so when I get stuff in them it immediately sticks to my eyeball and starts scratching my lens up. Most people have enough of a watery film on their eyeballs to wash stuff harmlessly to the corners where it can be wiped away. Not me... And of course I do a shit ton of cutting and grinding and dusty work. So thats nice...
Meh, I still get shit in my eyes and have to go to the eye dr. to get metal drilled out about every other year...
Me too. I started wearing a face shield over my glasses. Last chuck I had to get removed and I lost some vision. Gay
I was born male which means I have no need for safety faggotry. if the boss comes by then I'll put my gloves and shit on otherwise I don't have time for all that crap. I have some dark tinted sunglasses for when I weld. we always make fun of any of the new guys who wear earplugs or glasses around the shop until they stop doing it, then we allow them to be one of us.
Unfathomably based.
It's more that I'm too lazy to go find them.
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>sunglasses for welding
post welds
> face shield
Not only do I wear a face shield over my glasses in every day life and while sleeping, I put a space suit over everything when I’m working.

Then, when I’m done work, I take the spacesuit off and it feels like I’m wearing nothing.

I got this idea from the old “always wear three condoms” technique.
Retard niggerfaggots like you are why my company keeps cutting the saftey bonus
Do everyone a favor and delete yourself
No fuck that shit. Safety all the way.
I only ever use safety glasses when I use angle grinder, and I rarely use it.
Face mesh shield foe a weed-whacker is a must tho.
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i'm a big fan of these work gloves for just about everything
even just to avoid cleaning my hands/nail
they breath out the back and don't get sweaty

as for glasses pretty much just when using an angle grinder or breaking concrete/tile
i'm already practically blind in one eye so my other is very important :>
grow some balls. what, is little baby worried about chipping a nail?
>chipping a nail is comparable to losing a hand, cutting yourself to the bone, breaking a leg, severe burns, etc
Eat shit you disingenious insecure cockmongling faggot
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>doing rust work, painting, hitch install
>swapping between full face respirators, glasses+shield, goggles
>one last bolt for the dust shield in
>forget to put anything on besides prescription safety glasses
>some fucking piece of dirt falls off the muffler (despite pressure washing the fucking thing)
>thought I got a lacerated cornea
>pain gets worse after washing
>go to urgent care
>oh yeah it's like fine
I want like a blast furnace heat suit top part, I swear no matter what happens, the more protection you wear it just gets around it. Goggles are the worst because people think it's helping, but then you shit building on the brow ridge seal.
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His kitchen got stolen so many times that he can't afford safety gear.
DESTORYING the sissy ibtards by injuring yourself to save Mr goldbalmberg $1
Knew it was detroit before I even saw it. I was a Detroit cop and once took a police report for a womans entire home addition being stolen while she was in the hospital. ENTIRE HOME ADDITION GONE.
Saw where that happened with someone's porch. Since the front door is usually about five feet above the ground, it was a bit of an issue with the porch stolen.
Based retard.
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safety glasses are a meme
all the time. It is extremely annoying to sleep with metal dust in your eyes.
you pussy?
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lots of women in this thread
you just have to learn not to put your face in the area stuff is being thrown and it works out fine
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That's very impressive. Was she insured by Friedman & Blum Insurance?
>Face mesh shield foe a weed-whacker is a must tho.
a pair of sunnies is all you need there
I rather keep my (blue) eyes perfectly functional. Also, if you ever got a metal shard in your eye and had to go to the hospital, you'll learn the value of eye protection pretty quickly.
why go through all the effort to buy and put on ppe but not take 30 seconds to learn how to do it properly
hey faggot, grow some balls when I hit your kneecaps with a baseball bat, kneepads are for pussies right? Just live with the broken kneecaps bro.
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pic rel is you lmao
If you care about appearing manly you're a woman at heart and are just larping as a man

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