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What are your favorite common, disposable items for reusing?
I can't really afford to buy it since it's like $10 a gallon now, but the tropicana 1 gallon white orange juice containers make good stash gas cans to leave in vehicles. I've never long term left gas in them, but I have had shitty disposable water bottles have kerosene sit in them for a very long time and not erode, so I imagine the white, more durable jugs wouldn't be bad for storing premix for lawn equipment or what have you.
Cardboard and some topsoil will kill any weed in your garden over the winter, then provide mulch for new growth of crops in the spring
instant coffee jars to store paint, nuts & bolts, oil, whatever fits in a coffee jar
Nearly all food related glass jars and such are reused in my house for some other purpose than their original intent. Same for many plastic containers like yogurt or ice cream. All kinds of plastic bags are reused as garbage bags. Chocolate boxes are used as screw and electronics bits holders or for epoxy glue mixing.
I cut the tops off of r134a cans and use them as containers for sorting screws and nails. Same can be done with carb and brake cleaner cans and wd-40 too. Spray paint cans can also be used but will require cleaning with a solvent. Big equipment oil filters also make good heavy metal cans. Cut them open and wipe them out then put them on a solid bench or anvil and invert the rounded bottom with a hammer. The bungs can be cut out of barrel lids and used as weld in bungs for other tanks and reservoirs. The shafts from shock absorbers make great punches. Flip an aluminum soda or beer can upside down and mix up 2 part epoxy in the concave bottom. Then throw it back in the recycle bin when you finish mixing and applying the epoxy.
5L cooking oil containers gets to be fermentation vessels. The square type is about 0.1L larger than the round type, useful when racking.

1L yoghurt buckets become plant pots. Break off the handle and hotglue to underside for spacers, lid as tray.

Small containers for tiny tomatoes are sprouting trays.

>shitty disposable water bottles have kerosene sit in them for a very long time and not erode
2-3 days and I've had naphtha sweat thru a pet potato salad container, would not do again (shorter time I've had no problem).
> naphtha sweat thru a pet potato salad container
The molecule is a lot smaller than kerosene. Polyethylene is somewhat porous. PET is more impervious to gasses.
I’m filling every water bottle I get with salt water and wrapping it in aluminum foil left from take out and making as many leydenjars as I can fit in my basement. Then with my enormous Leyden bank and my van de graff masterbator I’ll be able to ionize the air filters in my Corsi rosenthal box.
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Here is what I mean by using the large equipment oil filters as canisters/cans. They're super heavy duty, and otherwise you'd just be throwing them out with the waste used oil filter... There are also springs and tapered plastic tubes inside some filters that work well as a tapered hose adapter for a vacuum. I also keep some of the rubber seals for use in other applications.
How the hell did you cut the tops off so cleanly.
Presumably, you didn’t use a can opener.
>How the hell did you cut the tops off so cleanly.
>Presumably, you didn’t use a can opener.

Filter cutter.
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Dammit forgot pic!
Instead of flattening the bottoms into a ersatz punt, you could weld two hemispheres together to make a mini high-pressure tank. I don’t know what the pressure is like in an engine but it’s probably thousands of PSI.
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They are designed to hold oil pressure not combustion pressure. So like 300 psi tops is what they're rated at... And then there's the whole welding on a pressure vessel thing.

Here's those barrel lid bungs I removed for future projects.
How do you empty the aerosol cans all the way before cutting? And how do you cut? I'd be worried about lighting off any residual vapor in them.

I'm surprised as hell that there was enough of a market for people recycling used oil filters for this to exist. Maybe it's for people reclaiming WMO for old diesel engines or something.
The 134a cans are completely empty due to the piercing valve I use to tap them. Standard aerosol cans can be punctured in the top cap by the spray nozzle with a sharp awl after making sure it is empty of its contents. This leaves the sides and bottom of the can in tact and useable.

Years ago when paintball was a popular thing I made paintball gun "barrel extensions" which were basically a crappy silencer to go on a paintball gun. The outer shell was an empty areosol can that i stuffed with some fiberglass insulation. The inner " barrel" was a piece of cpvc with a bunch of slots cut into it on a chop saw to let the propellant gasses into the muffler area. I probably made and sold 250-300 of them on ebay for $20-$25 a pop. Good money for a 16 year old kid back then! I got real good at prying off the top of an aerosol can without damaging it.

>I'm surprised as hell that there was enough of a market for people recycling used oil filters for this to exist. Maybe it's for people reclaiming WMO for old diesel engines or something.

Those filter cutters are mainly used to open filters and check the contents and look for chunks or flakes of metal indicating engine wear. I bought one because i wanted to see the construction quality of the filters I commonly use and as a side effect I found out how sturdy the filter canisters are and desired to use them somehow rather than scrap them.

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