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There's this board game called Onitama which I like. However I would want to make a more durable version of the pieces and board. What's the easiest material to work on for a beginner to create pieces like in pic related?

Not mine btw, picture is one I found on plebbit.
dried clumps of human feces.
the pros:
>literally free
>(assuming you don't count the cost of the meal that went in to producing it)
>easy to work with in its fresh state
>no special tooling required
>will occasionally come with free pieces of corn and/or peanuts
the cons:
the choice is clear.
You can just wood burn a piece of wood for the board. If you want fancy pieces, soapstone is pretty affordable or just whittle some wood.
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>You can just wood burn a piece of wood for the board. If you want fancy pieces, soapstone is pretty affordable or just whittle some wood.
Rocks. Like in your photo. Free on the ground.
Invest in a rock polisher and start collecting interesting ones.
What tools do you have?
>invest in a rock polisher
I’m not sure I’m financially ready for that. Do you think I could finance it?
$70 at harbor freight
Harbor Fright is such a great source for low end gear. I got a dolly from them that has seen unbelievable levels of abuse and it keeps going.
>more durable
More durable than billion year old rocks? Maybe milled tungsten/
Doubles as a shell polisher

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