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File: addiking-600.jpg (27 KB, 600x600)
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Got an Addi Express King-size knitting machine for my mom because she does crafty stuff for cash but she refused to use it saying it "too complex". So she gave it back to me and it's piss easy to knock out a beanie in less than fifteen minutes.
So what else can I make with this thing?
Oh, already considering getting this attachment that let's you hook up a power drill to the handle to knit a hat in less than five minutes start to finish. A $3.00 batch of yarn can make 2 to 3 adult beanies that I can sell for $10-$15 each as 'hand made' on Etsy.
>So what else can I make with this thing?
I'm sorry but afaik it can only make knitted things.
Cum sock
Make soccer club scarves
Might do that. Can even make shrugs without too much effort, although I don't know how popular those might be. Essentially double layered scarf with an opening in the middle so it can be long sleeves on the fly.
>my mum likes knitting
>how can i completely mechanise this process to remove any enjoyable aspect of making things with your own hands.
Perhaps I should clarify.
My mom likes knitting AND my mom sells knitted stuff for extra money and is always complaining about never having enough time to make goods so I got her something to help her make product faster.
My mom mainly just likes to complain about shit instead of solving the problem though, so it was kind of on me for expecting her to actually want a solution instead of her just wanting to bitch about something.
>I want to learn how to air brush to make my hobby crafts nicer
*Buy her an air brush and paints*
She sells the airbrush after it never even being opened for over two years for $20 including the compressor.
>I want an instant pot. It would make cooking so much more convenient
*Buy her an instant pot*
She never took it out of the box and gave it to a friend a year later for a birthday gift because "seems too complex".

She's the same woman who wants an electric car to save on gas but won't get one because she is worried about installing a charging outlet outside and it would be "a waste of money if I move" despite living in the same house for forty years.
Love her death but she is outright retarded about things. For example, she complains "I never get to see you." when I am not allowed to drive (uncontrollable seizures) and she can. I live less than 3 miles from her place and am home 95% of the time. She has visited my place ONCE in five years and expects me to just walk to her place a couple of times a week to say "Hi" but would never drive to see me because "it's a hassle". I am firmly convinced if I stopped walking to her place she would never see me again until her dying day but would bitch about she never sees me.
the curse of being old
i checked out a video of your machine and it's literally just cranking a wheel, crazy
not being able to use an instant pot is next-level though
can it even make stuff like sweater or only tubular stuff like thigh highs and leg warmers

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