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Are pillow forts /diy/?
Yes but the local planning board is on its way to demolish that fort as there was no permit issued for its construction.
the builders were deported back to their home country
Oi mate, you gotta loicense fer that pillow fort?
if you cross the line, I have to cross the line too
that's just how it has to be, fren
no, no I do not
Absolutely are diy, but they're not legal to build and occupy around here. A fort collapsed on a kid 20 years ago and they died.
For me it's stacking all the couch cushions on top of each other and making the king chair
Good riddance, failed future architects should die young and not polute the future
I have a leather couch that electrically reclines on both sides so my couch cushions are nonremovable and I must resort to chairs, blankets, and lots of bed pillows. I will never show you my actual pillow fort, because I can not risk it being invaded by foreign troops, but I will say my pillow defenses are more than formidable and can withstand extensive onslaught
>You deported my kids and myself back to the land from whence we came
>We're all still here
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Deported back to a country called Intoyourroom

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