Is this dude onto something or is he just a cheap bastard who doesn't want to pay for proper pool cleaning equipment?
>>2879874do aussiefags really have to ask permission to swim in their own pond?
>>2879874Sounds like he got it figured out
>>2879874Tell him to post biofilter.
>>2880168>>2879874It might just be something like a bunch of sand filters that pass the output through a patch of moss before it enters the pool. Basically a series a grey water tanks that feed into a spill basin full of Sphagnum or the like before it goes back in.
>>2879874>10 different permits and tests just to use a fucking pool in your backyard What a cucked country
>>2880243It's much easier to grow the council budget if you add more duties that require workers, even if those duties are mostly pointless. With a larger budget and more employees, those in management can justify high salaries for themselves.
>>2879874>Is this dude onto somethinghe's have to change at least half the water out once a year or so, or else the mineral content will go through the roof.
>>2880243Shut up Cleetus you can't just dig a hole and put your own pool in willy nilly either.
early water filtration plants were built on the same principle before modern chemical treatment, and some cities keep them around as backups.dude's pool doesn't look anything like other pools that use nature-mimicing filtration though. suspicious.
>>2880349Probably because she’s hanging up laundry in her front yard, which is trashy and unsightly, like a retard instead of in the back like every other person who ever hung laundry out to dry.
>>2879874They're called natural swimming pools. This has been being done for some time. The idea is that it's not just a hole/tank filled with water like a regular swimming pool-- there is the pool part and then a small constructed wetland that the water "filters" through. A microbial matrix forms in the soil of this filter section and helps to filter the water, which is normally moved around with a pump. >>2880318It says that nothing is put in the water, not that none of the water is ever exchanged, numbnuts
>>2880367Look at the right of OP's image, there is a second bassin for filtration.
>>2880473he's still lying vagina blood fart.
>>2879874I dont put nothin init mate just a lode of pumps and me chemist set. yep livin water i reckon
It's doable, just takes a long time. here are a couple of how it's done videos
>>2879874>>2880367>>2880473>>2881114for me, it's this guy