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File: 61Nz2wBhigL.jpg (124 KB, 1600x1600)
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Sup /diy/, if I'm trying to heat my room with one of these things overnight as I sleep, and I keep it on the medium heat setting (out of low, medium and high) and the prongs of the cord don't feel warm or hot at all after some use on medium, do I still have to worry about a possible electrical fire or current overload anywhere in my house's wiring? I get a little bit paranoid anytime I leave a heater on overnight past the lowest setting.
If your house isn't wired poorly, definitely not. If your house is wired poorly enough that a 800W load can cause a fire, you should be worrying about fires regardless of this heater.
File: outlet_tester.jpg (39 KB, 966x768)
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Firstly you should check that the outlets in your place are wired correctly.
>as I sleep
Why not use good blankets, a hot water bottle and run that thing when you're awake?

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