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File: In-Progress.jpg (846 KB, 1080x1064)
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Installed asphalt composition & tar underlayment 2 years ago when we began construction. yesterday I began installing steel R-panel purchased on the secondary market. I will install steel siding in on the exterior walls in 2 weeks, on January's budget.

barn was built in three 2.4m×2.75m sections, each section over 2 years. each to individual completion; posts, walls, rafters, Recombinate Chip Board, underlay & shingles. we installed an entry door in the second (center) addition. the barn at its current state is 2.75m×7.3m. eventually we will build it out to a full Monitor Barn. final size will be approximately 10.5m×8m
Sheep shanty, homeless build edition.

Jesus dude, how many threads are you going to milk out of this abomination of a shed? Maybe you could pair up with that landlord shed build for a sweet jewtoob collaboration?
Southeast WA in the background?
What are ypu trying to hide with the shitty shoop

The underprivileged & oppressed.
I have a lean to for my ladies when they lamb and the rest can kick rocks and lay under a pine tree.
When are you starting lambing?
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we introduced our ram on October 16. we'll start expecting 1st week of March.
those are some nice hills
Why did you bump this gay week old thread
>Why did you bump this gay week old thread
We're on diy, this thread can be fixed! Save it!
better than tour garbage tool brand threads faggot
There really isn't any tech in here, so its on par with the consumer threads so far...

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