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I'm starting a homestead and I want everything to be organic and eventually get organic certifications, so I'm wondering, how do I build a driveway and parking area that can contain any automotive fluid leaks from any visiting vehicles? How do I go the extra mile to ensure those chemicals won't end up in the ground water or in one of the ponds?
Just don't have poor friends with beater POS cars
Lol it's not my friends that are the issue, I plan on having customers come to the entrance area of my homestead to pick up their orders and I fully expect some of them will have leaks. Also I think most people with leaks don't know it yet. Still, stuff accumulates.

Is there a specific way that gas stations or auto body shops or maybe landfills or something like that are constructed that may be of use to my situation?
By the way this is not some pipedream thread, I just purchased the land a few days ago and I'm working on the driveway first
>Is there a specific way that gas stations or auto body shops or maybe landfills or something like that are constructed that may be of use to my situation?

Yeah, concrete with a drainage system that puts it in the water supply. Unless you're gonna put down kitty litter every time it rains, mother nature is just gonna have to take the hit on a leak here and there
Unless it’s covered you aren’t going to keep anything spilled out of the groundwater. What’s your desired parking capacity? I’d use an open pole barn over a concrete “bathtub” filled with packed crushed stone (spray it with lignosulfonate every year or three). I’d also look into bioremediation plants and plant a dmz around the area.
hmm possible
>desired parking capacity
10, either parallel or diagonal along a loop so it's easy for trucks towing trailers
thanks for the other tips dear fren, I have not heard of those before
Do you come from the city?
Have you had experience farming?
Just concrete it
make your customers walk there
if they are truly committed they won't pollute nature
No, a small town.
Not much, but I am in the local master gardener's association. I do know how to take care of plants.
Concrete is porous, is it not?
Not to be a jerk, but just dont grow anything where vehicles park, and have positive drainage away from that plant area.
You cant control everything.
Even if you are diligent as hell, I learned you can return home, find evidence a car crashed in your yard 150 ft from your garden, emptied the whole contents of its oilpan out, and they didnt do a thing to mitigate.
Was informed its the responding officers call, if the spill is less than 5 gallons, they dont need to do anything or notify the homeowner or anything.
At some point your tractormay puke too. Is what it is, do what you can.
Seal your driveway like a landfill cell

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