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Theres zero cool engineering youtube content on youtube coming from the us. Its all indians.
i did come across one video but couldnt find it.
it was a two wheeled thing that charged itself wireslessly.
i think that was a us electrical engineering graduate.
that was so sad he was proud of that.
>what is tech ingredients
well now that i think about it theres styropyro but he has a bachelors in chemistry. just looked it up.
I know ben eater doesnt have a formal engineering education.
There's one guy who madeca 4 axis 3d orinter i think he has a bachelors in computer science.
i will look up tech ingridients but he doesnt seem too impressive by looking at the thumbnails from a glance
well he made a jet engine fair enough
> who is Chris Boden
>Theres zero cool engineering youtube content on youtube coming from the us. Its all indians.
Gosh, Literally Who, your claim is so objective and authoritative! And I'm sure all that Indian content isn't just rehashing things invented by White men in the West, right? It's all original Indian patents, surely.
I'm gonna go ahead and guess your ethnicity now.
grind hard plumbing co

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