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you can't stop me
why, works well enough
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For a while. If you buy actual lubricant, which WD-40 also makes, the squeak will stay away longer.
I've heard on the grapevine that WD-40 is not a lubricant at all; that it is a penetrant. Is that true?
Or is there even a meaningful difference
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Don't care didn't ask still rubbing vaseline on everything
Silicone is a shit lubricant for everything but plastic.
Which is best for silencing hinges?
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>has black shitstains all around his house
This stuff is readily available everywhere in San Francisco.
Does it make the turds extra slippery so they flush into the bay with the next rain?
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>actually penetrates and lubricates
nothing personal kid

Genuine question, will this shit work for a bicycle chain too?
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Can squirt whatever you want and then enjoy a tasty snack out of the same can!
Just get a belt drive.

Don't put that stuff on plated firearms. It will destroy the finish.
what fucking kind of hinge is that even?
Looks like a door hinge.
"Lubricant" and "penetrant" are descriptions of functions. They refer to what something is doing, not what something is. A lubricant is something which reduces friction when applied. WD-40 does this. It's not a very good lubricant for many common tasks (especially relative to lubricants formulated for those particular tasks), but it's usually better than nothing. Often enough to get by.

WD-40 is what I usually use as a cutting lubricant. Its smoke is much less heinous than actual cutting lube, it reduces friction enough to eliminate galling on steel and aluminum (and it's not too far from actual aluminum cutting lube), and it boils at a low enough temperature to prevent ruining the temper.

A penetrant flows into small gaps in something, typically to act as a lubricant to help break loose something that was stuck. WD-40 penetrates well (it's one of the functions it was designed for) but its lubricity once penetrated isn't great. Again, purpose-made penetrating lubricants are better, but WD-40 can often get by.

The actual thing WD-40 was made to do was displace water and prevent corrosion. Got something metal that's wet and shouldn't be (like, say a ballistic missile)? WD-40 can work its way into crevices and form a film between the metal and the water, and it dries to an oily film that helps protect the metal in the future (though there are purpose-made protective products that give better corrosion protection). It's
40(th formula)
This guy knows his lube and penetration. Tee-hee. Seriously though, excellent explanation anon.
would cooking oil or cosmetic (hair/body) oil not work as well?
the elites don't want you to know this but you can just pour olive oil all over your door hinges
There's no fixed border between lubricant and penetrant.
Needs to be thin enough to flow into pores (in other words, the spreading pressure needs to be greater than surface tension at the pore's diameter).
Needs to be thick enough that under pressure, the lubricating film is not interrupted. With cutting lubricants (where some of the lubricated material is removed) or engine lubricants (where the lubricant will drip back into the sump at standstill) it also needs to be thin enough to reach everywhere quickly. That means that th higher your rpm, the thinner a lubricant should be, while with increasing pressure, it needs to be thicker.

tl;dr: penetrants need to be as thin as possible, lubricants as thick as possible.

WD 40 would make for a good lubricant at extremely high rpm (think air grinder), but for lubricating doors, it's one of the worst oils you can use. Ballistol and other oil / soap / water mixtures are even worse, though.
I only use hog fat and bacon grease
yes it will
I have grease fittings on all my hinges so it's easier to do the yearly maintenance. It wasn't cheap and the wife doesn't like cleaning up the mess, but I just keep reminding her how much nicer it is to have silent doors.
>Don't care didn't ask still rubbing vaseline on everything
Even your cock?
Asking for a friend.
It's lube and a solvent ... The solvent makes the lube seep into the cracks
Especially my cock. How else am I going to fuck my girl in her shitter?
>Even your cock?
Well, not "his" his, if you know what I mean...
Just get a 1 lb jug of graphite
I used a thin smear of automotive grease on bent pin in a janky hinge and it hasn't squeaked in years. I'm impressed.

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