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File: 2414.jpg (2.52 MB, 1848x3554)
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Any one here know how to determine the age of furniture?
Is this pre 1900?
My wife says 1940s
Manufacturer should be written on the furniture somewhere. Usually the bottom. It might even be dated
That rollerwheel looks too much modern
I think it was added later
It has also been rehupolestered
Based on what
She was a woodworking apprentice for a guy that used no power tools
You need to look at things like joinery and actual markings. If there's no manufacturer's marking, it's likely not very old
Fair enough
I cant find any marking but theres a few missing pieces/repairs or it could be lost in the rehupolstery, i dont want to cut into it
oh so she manually worked his wood
Cut it and count the rings. I swear kids these days have no basic knowledge.
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I wish she worked my wood too
40s oak reupholstered and new casters added just like everybody else said
also totally fucking worthless because kids don't want brown furniture
you'll have to pay to get it carted away
why do you want to know bro?
she used her vibes, on the highest setting
who gives a fuck what kids want
what a stupid take
Just curiosity im not trying to get rid of it
no anon it was a hand on tool only workshop
was this all just a setup for a penis joke from the very beginning

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