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every option seems to be $300 plus which is retarded. I see some plastic curtains for $10 now what else do I need to get?

I’m not sure what to look for as the wall frame and bottom frame, it’s not going to be opening or closing i’ll just walk in at the end side. I’m assuming there silicone sticky sealing stuff for the cracks and some plastic covering thing I can put alongside the wall and bottom. Maybe I’ll get PVC pipes as a framing to hold it in some U frame thing at the bottom? What will I need?
you need GLASS and METAL and HINGES and HARDWARE and TOOLS
the glass is the hard part
>the glass is the hard part
isn't it the metal because metal is harder than glass
When we redid our bathroom, I just built a wall alongside the tub/shower for 2/3rd the length and 3/4 the height of the ceiling, then tiled it with the rest of the shower.
Figured there's no need to be on display while showering.
Yeah but when the glass break ur fucked
>I see some plastic curtains for $10 now what else do I need to get?
A shower curtain rod, fasteners, and curtain rings. You can get extra fancy and place a fabric curtain on the outside, plastic inside.
Glass is harder than metal. You can grind metal down with glass dust but you can hardly scratch glass with metal. Glass is just very brittle compared to metal.

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