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anyone here keen on shades/blinds? need a bunch replaced in my house. heard about hunter douglas but they kinda seem like you might be paying more for the name than anything else. just looking for some wisdom, or a lead in the right direction, if you would
I got accordion with blackout backing to make my bedrooms dark in the morning/light.

All blinds have kinda shitty mechanisms after a few years.

I hate metal blinds because I grew up with them.
company? or just some shit at walmart/home depot?
Got the honeycomb blinds that home depot sells. Opted for the blackout versions anywhere there is direct sunlight and it was a good choice. They sure do seem to help keep heat out in the summer and heat in during the wintertime.
I don't remember. I think it's a local reseller but it all probably comes from the same factory in china
ah. true nuff

yeah honeycomb seems to be the meme right now. ill probably go with that
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They're a lot like luxury cars- top name brands are good, probably last longer before needing repair but parts prices are insane and after a certain age it's not worth the time and hassle to keep them.

Hunter Douglas are good blinds but not twice as good or as long lasting as generic blinds that cost half what H-D charges....and the parts will definitely be more that twice as expensive.

Like cars they all also have low initial prices and upcharge like crazy for options and upgrades so really read the fine print and assume nothing.

The retailers also operate a lot like vinyl replacement window companies- they all make everything to order but some act like that's a reason to charge more, and they will often try to rope you into whole house "deals" and other high pressure offers...meanwhile a small shop that doesn't spend gazillions on national ads can be very affordable at just their standard prices. Shop around a LOT.

Also add another vote for honeycomb...great insulating properties and house lizards love them
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thanks for this bro. thats all i really needed to hear
IKEA higher end accordion blinds are pretty good. especially their blackout version.
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Why aren't your homes built with superior rollable blinders?
what happened to mini blinds with cords? i need to replace 2 behind the kitchen sink that hang up 9ft and can only find the worthless cordless ones id need to be the worlds tallest man to operate

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