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File: Pancake flip.jpg (61 KB, 1152x720)
61 KB
My teacher at the uni, asked us to make a machine (mechanical, can use electricity or not) to be able to flip pancakes. The machine/mechanism needs to do the whole process and can only be activated by a lever, button, etc. What I was thinking (shown in the poorly done drawing) was to make a mechanism which when activated makes the spatula grab the pancake, lift it and then can flip it. The problem is that I don't know how to make it turn. Limited budget, the professor gives extra points if we do it as cheap as possible lol
this mught work
The entire point of this is for you to be able to figure out how to make this possible. How to design something to accomplish a task. To see if you can solve the problem. You won't learn anything asking other people to figure it out for you.
File: epic pancake flipper.png (56 KB, 3402x1856)
56 KB
This could probably be made out of cardboard, gear teeth might need some reinforcement.
I like this because it gives you variable control of the flip. OP could switch the rack and pinion to an articulated arm for greater simplicity
I really like this thread, but definitely not helping you. Keep us posted OP

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