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3% of the time, the problem is that someone in the HOA is powertripping

97% of the time the problem is that some seething poor doesn't want to be told that they can't trash up the neighborhood
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Since this thread is destined to be a shitshow, I'll go ahead and point out that housing in HOAs is not the majority in any state so please don't insult us by claiming you had no choice but to buy in an HOA. Also claiming there's only one job, in one town, on the entire planet willing to employ you is a pathetic this to claim but is quite common in HOA threads.
HOA sounds terrible. We have 30 acres, can fire up my air compressor at 3am, raise my livestock, have room for 4 dogs to run, shoot my ak off my deck, hunt on my own land. Don't know why anyone would live someplace where you have to ask permission to do things.
Imagine paying someone to tell you how to live your life and then coming on 4chan to be uppity about it
I could never see myself living in one, although I've also seen the other side of the coin with how bad things get when people are left to their own devices on the "honor system"

>Buy house in working class, older neighborhood in city limits for years ago
>Original neighbors are unmarried couple who are decent enough
>They move out and sell to dumbass tradie from county with three kids
> Untagged dog running loose pretty much everyday that they are fully aware of
>Leave trash and old furniture strewn about
>Constantly having "fires" (burning trash) in the back yard
I hate these fuckers and city code enforcement is basically useless here
>HOA sounds terrible, here's my situation that would never be in an HOA ever
wow very cool, good contribution.
>imagine paying someone to tell you how to live your life
Why are poor people unable to view themselves as part of any sort of community? I can understand not feeling a sense of community on a national or even state level… it’s too abstract. But poors today seem unable to even conceptualize the most basic of community membership.
have you considered that communities usually have shared values and some people just don't share the same values?
poor people can't afford to live in a HOA so this is just agitprop from class traitors
Imagine being so poor of spirit you have to pay someone to tell you how to live your life in order to feel a sense of community
I can't imagine living on a 1/4 acre lot. Seems weird to brag about being able to live close enough to your neighbor to smell their farts.
>among general population
>not homeowners
Horrifically misleading stats.
Almost every HOA community is around 20% rentals because that's just below the FHA limit (25%) and in just about every state, HOA's that try to restrict rentals below that level have gotten sued into oblivion. Housing law is full of landmines that are easy to turn into million dollar discrimination judgements. The 5% gap between HOA limit and the FHA can be defended in court because it provides a buffer for special cases like hardship exemptions.
Seems to me renters are not locked in to the HOA as the buyers are, so they do whatever they want until they get evicted — which pretty much defeats the whole point of the HOA.

The original goal of HOAs was probably to keep out immigrants and other undesirables out.
>Complains abound trash. Also complains about them disposing of said trash.
Yeah sounds like you are the perfect HOA material.
>The original goal of HOAs was probably to keep out immigrants and other undesirables out.
i used to buy that line of crap thinking they had good intentions. then i broke 30 years old and realized they were just a mini fascist govts contrived by sexually frustrated 50+ w*omen that didnt have their children at home to boss around anymore. same as hr depts and middle management hegonomies
as a foreigner im shocked at why hoa has any legal power at all?
if they tried that shit here i could sign their deal then completely ignore it, knowing that our laws specificly say that you cannot sign off your basic rights and any contract you might sign doing so is null&void. owning and deciding over your own property is such a basic right. or i could just tell them to fuck off from the start, since no property can be sold with such clausules to begin with. everything about it is illegal and goes against normal property laws.
it could only work if you rented the house and property, even then there are laws to protect you. makes me believe that hoa dwellers dont actually own their property its some advanced rental scheme. no way this would be legal otherwise.
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Lived in both types of neighborhoods. Currently in an HOA. I get and agree with many of the usual arguments. All else being equal and knowing I can’t be in the area I am and AND afford the acreage to live where my neighbors would no longer annoy me, I prefer the HOA because there is no way you can count on your neighbors to have pride of ownership and not turn their property into a shithole. Someone will eventually do it guaranteed. That being said OPs percentages are fairly accurate but you don’t have to be poor to seethe. Sometimes you might not be able to commit to their requested timeline or their communication sucks and what they expect is not clear. However, usually that is easily handled by putting on the big boy pants and communicating. Regardless, I’ve been on both sides. I ended up on the board because of a power tripping president. Which introduced me to the seething poors who don’t want to be told. If both sides would just remember they are neighbors and treat the other side with dignity and respect, it would be easier. Thanks for reading my blog. Give me a thumbs up and subscribe.
I’m in an HOA right now but they’re not super picky. I was in a non-HOA before and I would prefer that to the current situation. If you’re in a middle class+ area, and it’s an actual municipality, you don’t have to worry too much. I could complain to the city in the last house if a neighbor decided to use their front yard as a junkyard

I got one letter from the HOA here and it was kinda retarded. The previous owner had a car that leaked oil for some time and I used like 3 bottles of picrel to clean the spot up. I think that stuff sucked the oil out of the pores in the concrete, so now after it rains or the sprinklers run, the spot where the oil stain was stays wet for like an extra hour compared to the rest of the driveway. The property manager guy must have snapped a pic like 45min after an afternoon shower and they told me I had to clean my driveway. So I did a quick pressure wash, sent them a reply email with a pic of my driveway being cleaner than 95% of the driveways in the neighborhood, and that was it. I probably didn’t even have to pressure wash but it needed it anyway.
Seems to me they should just spend the HOA fees on a little handyman/cleaner/gardener type guy, and give him some tools, a mower, and power washer, and if he sees anything out of compliance, he’ll knock on your door and as “hey man, I notice there’s an oil spot n your driveway, can I clean that for you? If not now, perhaps later?”

Instead, the money is theived by karens that nitpick, complain and harass, yet they mistakenly think the world wouldn’t be better off without them.
i don't care how ugly my neighborhood is, i just don't want criminal living around me
>t. backyard is a junkyard
>I have no empathy
I am not surprised
So long as there aren’t any fees. I ain’t buying a house just to pay rent on it.
Sounds like a gay nightmare
The best part about owning a house is that I can do what I want with it and no one nags at me
paying hundreds of dollars per month to force decorum standards on retards is excessive when overwhelming physical violence is free.
when I was house shopping a few years back I considered buying a new plot of land in a new community and build a house there. it would have been in a HOA. their rules were insane.
things like:
cant have more than 3 dogs, or 3 cats. cant have any "farm" animal
cannot park a work van in your property, if it doenst fit in the garage, you cant have it
same goes for boats, or trailers
any vising contractor have a limited time they can be parked on your property
cant have non functioning cars at all. non functioning is not defined.
if someone breaks your mailbox, they will send someone out to repair it and bill you
if your backyard has access to some control box, and you are fences in, the HOA can send a worker to that box without any prior notice, and they can enter your property to get to the electrical box without your consent.
restrictions on guest parking overnight
it just went on and on with insane rules and regulations.
that absolutely insane nightmare.
Empathy is living so close to your neighbor you can hear their toilet flush? Guess I don't have much of that. Much prefer not being told what to do and having room to do what I want. I hate city fags more and more every day.
Poor people don't live in HOA's. They don't have the money to buy a newer build house and pay monthly HOA fees.
HOA's are solidly in the domain of the middle-class.

Either way, I'm not poor and I love my junk. I have a dedicated area behind the garage where I store my shit. When I'm working on a project and need some material, I don't have to take the time to go to the store and spend a bunch of money, or order online and wait 3-5 days.

If I wanted to pay a monthly fee to ask permission to do anything to my house, I would simply rent. Then you have the benefit of not worrying about any maintenance or repairs.
Lmao… I’m clearly right. You can’t even imagine the concept of community membership, or being on a board, or steering a community to where you think it should go for the best results. You’re just stuck repeating the same perspective over and over “someone tell me how to live on MUH LAND!!”. You can’t conceptualize money spent except as a tax to those stronger than you… you can’t conceptualize a rule as anything but a limit on freedom you’d otherwise want as a form of control.
Reminds me of that passage in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, where he talks about how resigned the serfs were to poverty since they couldn’t imagine anything except being treated as a dog… or getting lucky enough to be king where you would obviously treat others as dogs.
You are like a dog
Whipped by your hoa massa
Rolling over in submission for more
Steering a community? Its not a community that produces anything. A real community feeds people, helps those in need by giving time or labor and expects nothing in return. I have never paid a neighbor for help because they wont take it. They will take some lamb backstrap or vacuum sealed chicken. Life is not about accumulating wealth its about being happy with what you have and realizing sometimes what you want is not what you need and what you need will be given to you if you work for it. It may not be overflowing but its what you need at the time.
I live in something like a HOA but for apartments. Most of the rules are about respecting your neighbours and keeping the outside areas clean and aesthetically pleasing but my place looks pretty chaotic and no one cares so I guess you really have to let it go too far to get into trouble.
Idk I'm not american but for the people that boast about 'muh freedom' every two seconds, the concept sounds pretty communist to me.
Oh and don't forget about the fees, Americans love feesmaxxing
It's Freedom of Association. Also the US has over 330 million people. It's stupid to try to boil them all down into one stereotype based on your ignorance.
please break down the numbers by metro. we're fully aware that we can buy a house in Gary, Indiana without an HOA but that's not the case for literally any Metro that matters.
Don't forget to tip your landlord dude
I'm not even an amerimutt, but having anyone tell me how I live in my own goddamn home sounds like some fucking dystopian nightmare and you are a literal NPC for gobbling it up under the guise of "prestige"
you don't own a home, you live in a tiny commieblock, yuropoor
and yet I can have a meadow instead of a lawn for my tiny commieblock yard without recieving angry letters.
My neighborhood is multimillion dollar estates, derelict 50 year old trailers and everything in between
No one gives a shit what anyone does on/to their own property other than just to come out and see whats up
Its a great community
No one is forced to buy in an HOA neighborhood. People who claim they had no choice are the same ones who let their children run wild on airplanes and claim they had no choice because grandma is dying on the other side of the country and never got to see her grandchildren (who are currently kicking the back of your seat).
HOAs are for people who have agreed to maintain their properties to a certain standard. For some HOAs, that means keeping the grass cut and no rusting cars parked on the lawn. For others, it's insane shit like the color and size of the address numbers on your house must conform to strict limits. The point is people have a choice to not live in an HOA and if they do decide to live in one, they can choose which one matches their expectations.
Most people choose to not live in an HOA so they have no need to worry about HOA rules. But like OP said, there's are some who want to get the "benefits" of living in an HOA and expect everyone else to live by the rules everyone agreed to but want to make exceptions for themselves. They could simply live in a non-HOA neighborhood but then they'd have to put up with neighbors who might paint their house an unusual color or park a SnapOn truck in the driveway at night. Having neighbors who can do their own thing is the cost of not being in an HOA. For most people that works out just fine. Once in a while you get some dirtbags who end up being "that house". If you don't want that risk, you find an HOA neighborhood. For everyone else, things usually are ok.
So to answer your question, what gives anyone the right to tell you what to do with your home, it's the contract that you freely signed saying they have the right to tell you want you can do with your home. Don't like that? Don't buy a home with that requirement.
I was in an HOA at my last house and they handled landscaping for all front yards including separate water meters for the sprinklers, snow removal, road and streetlight maintenance, trash removal, the community pool and park, the exterior windbreak fencing around the neighborhood, and had biannual dumpster days where they'd bring in multiple roll offs for oversized trash. I was paying 80 bucks a month and the only problems I had with them was when I let the weeds get too tall next to my garage because I drank a lot and didn't like to mow. I just cut them down twice a month and never had an issue again. I had a forge in my garage, would work on my cars or small engine stuff, and listened to speed and death metal at full volume when doing so. Nobody said shit. One of my neighbors even brought me some scrap rail he had left over from a metal working project of his own.
>the problem is that some seething poor doesn't want to be told that they can't trash up the neighborhood
this is me
I will not be told what I can have in my yard
I will never comply
No because that is not a fun thing to think

I want to be angry about poor people
They have power because they're contracts. The sales contract is contingent upon accepting the HOA contract.

The part that's legally strange to me is how they can require you require someone join the HOA to sell the property. That seems to be allowed only through dubious legal theory that stuck around long enough and widely enough to just be accepted.
> someone join the HOA to sell the property
In league with corrupt city governments
Nah, that’s dumb, and you’re just putting retarded constraints on a word to win an argument. A community is any group of people with a shared characteristic or goal. If I have a shared perspective of what is an acceptable neighborhood to live in, I find a group that feels the same to keep the riff raft out. And we hash out those standards amongst ourselves. If I can’t find that group then I don’t join.
But like I said, the poverty stricken NPC can’t even imagine that scenario. To them any money taken is just a tax to someone more powerful… because that’s what they would do if they weren’t weak. Even something like a community center is just a scam to them, because they can’t even conceptualize more
>hey man that’s really sad… you’re thinking like a beaten dog when you can only make the same sad argument over and over
>noooo!!!’ U!!!! Y….y..you! You’re a dog!!!
Why do you people just repeat the last thing you hear? You can’t think of a better argument OR a better insult? Fucking grim.
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All I want is to own a manufactured home without having to pay a fucking 458 dollar a month HOA fee. I'm so sick of this shit. Everything is 150k+ trailer homes with an ADDITIONAL 458 dollar a month land rent fee. And my girlfriend is pushing really hard to get a house soon and half the houses are like 600+ a month and she says "well we get trash removal and snow plowing" like I can shovel a 20 foot driveway in 5 minutes and I will choose doing that EVERY time over paying 600 dllars a month. I'll drive my trash to the dump on the way to work. I don't care.
Whats grim are your paragraphs of cope and seethe defending pure jewery like a good goy
>bunch of faggots telling me what color I can paint my house
do Amerimutts really?
Yes. Middle class manlets who cant into rural because they are too weak, live in HOA subdivisions. Then they come here abd brag that they are more "wealthy" than ghetto rats. If someone qualified to buy a home in your HOA community they are your financial equal pretty much.
Buy land. Put your glorified cuckshed on it. Done. How is this difficult?
>buy land
that's the problem, all the land all has cucksheds built on it already
>our laws specificly say that you cannot sign off your basic rights and any contract you might sign doing so is null&void
to give an example you might understand, if you signed a hoa contract that said
>no guns
wouldnt that contract mean nothing since the 2nd trumps it?
>equating a HOA to community
Holy shit, this is genuinely one of the saddest posts I've ever seen on 4chan.
Retarded question, but what if you just ignore HOA in general? Like what the fuck are they going to do? They're not the fucking local police
levy a fine for the infraction then put a lein on you property for back payment on the unpaid fines
and if I refuse to pay that?
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This makes no sense to me. What you're essentially telling me is that the state is willing to give a HOA power and then have the power to get the police to seize your shit because you don't follow some of their retarded laws? This makes it sound like a HOA is like a mafia or a cartel....and people are ok with this?
They will sell your house. Has happened many times. They have mountains of attorneys and will win 99 out of 100 times.
No people are not OK with that. Thats why no one but buck brok bitches chose to live in a HOA community.
97% of the time the problem is the hubris that is the delusion of your own supremacy over other men then the greed that follows the hubris and denies the less fortunate through your thievery from them and this is because of your hatred, wrath, narcissism and these are the flowers that bloom from the darkness in your heart. The fluer de mal produce the seeds of iniquity and this is the destruction though you fail to see.

What is worse is that you believe that anyone who is different from you in magnitude of hardened crass materialism which is the progeny of the 3rd industrial revolution and its emanations upon the human spirit should be punished relentlessly.

You are insane because you believe in perfection which can never exist, because a perfect state is by necessity static and the only constant is change. This is insane enough, but the near unforgivable part is your delusion concerning your own perfection in belief, standards, and lack of culpability. You are mentally ill because yo demand perfection of appearance and performance in your fellow man but not yourself thus rendering you petty, shallow, and stupid beyond all previous versions of men.
The only thing you call sacred is not the great organism of Life on earth or your own kind but rather the delusion that man is a machine or that the universe is the same. You punish those who are different from you in any way but mostly in belief, and you forget that your own beliefs have changed and that you are limited in every way. Do you not remember your belief in the nocturnal fae trader in you baby teeth for currency or the wonder of the clause named santa?

You never even suspect that you cross the boundary of forgiveness and you even think that there is no consequence because you believe the devil is in the details never realizing that that the only devil is you, and you deny the Creator because you willfully execute negation of pattern recognition, and the Creator is proved by the patterns. How can you think you can be forgiven if you deny forgiveness to others?

I believe that you and all the others who fail in these things can learn, for no one ever bothered to teach you that Life exists for its own sake and not for the revolting weakness that is your solipsism and self-indulgence in the insanity that you are greater than anyone, because you, bro not my bro, are the lowest form of scum ever to take the human form.
all this because some schizo refuses to cut his lawn or store his work materials somewhere else....
people who complain about HoA's are the problem

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