Everyone keep telling me it's impossible to grow entirely indoors all food required to live by oneself, but apparently 100 m^2 land is enough:https://fryd.app/en/magazine/yield-calculator-for-vegetables-calculate-area-requirements-and-harvest-quantities#yield-calculator-calculate-vegetable-yieldsIf this is the case, how much can I reduce that space going grow-room and/or hydroponics?Shouldn't it be enough to keep everything in my home (especially considering this also gives me the option to stack stuff)?
>>2880981> 100m2 is enoughI would disagree and I think most people who have ever planted crops on 100m2 would. They counted only vegetables and some potatoes, but later they say you need 90m2 (!) of potatos alone. And you’ll eat only potatos as carbs then because wheat etc take a lot more area per kg. Plus most people can’t levitate above their hypothetical 10x10 patch to tend the center crops.There is zero reason for hydro if you’re planting potatoes. Hydro isn’t that much better than a greenhouse/grow room for most other stuff, except for maybe strawberries and peppers. Lettuce like in your pic can be planted more space efficiently indoors (hydro or not doesn’t really matter), but the trade off for 4x less space is spending about 10x the money (light, system, ventilation).
>>2880981Your main problem are pests, it may look clen but is still vulnerable one bug kind can eat everything in an enviroment with no control and they are way more used to indoor spaces
>>2881031I’ve found hydro much easier to pest control. My outdoor cucumbers get nuked by slugs and my tomatoes get either mildew, lice or a ton of ants farming aphids. Also outdoor crops are usually more in contact through soil and water while indoor aren’t. There is a lot of stuff that’s inefficient about indoor farming but pest control isn’t one in my experience
I've had good experiences with growing various types of basil hydroponically. I tried lettuce once. The leaves were quite limp and bland, even more so than lettuce usually is. With the low price of lettuce, it wasn't worth it. Basil however was. Even if a bit more expensive than getting it from a grocery store, I knew the source, didn't have to worry about contamination, and could grow whatever variety I wanted.
>>2881031>pestsAnd mold, so I’ve heard. Just about every indoor *ponics ends up as a mold factory too
theres been investment into vertical farming but investors also want said vertical farming to be fully automated.
>>2880999>but apparently 100 m^2 land is enough:actually it's 150 m^2