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total house remodel. 78 year old concrete block duplex apartments.

furring out walls 24" centers to hang drywall, mud, texture & paint. rip out old janky tub/shower insert, install new junky tub/shower set. new cabinetry, counters, sink & appliances in la cocina. all new fixtures, switches & outlets. new HVAC installed 2 months ago.

smile. you're paying for ALL of it AND the future tenant's rent. because IT'S GUBMNET SUBSIDISED HOUSING. GIMMIE DAT CHEESE!!
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cinder block construction has been compromised due to 78 years of "maintenance men" who had no idea & didn't care, combined with the "sledgehammer & dynamite" approach of certified contractors, and finally add 3/4 of a century worth of settling and geologic activity.... you get the idea.

shoring up the void where someone just removed a 100cm×80cm section of block, on two adjoining room walls, to access a central plumbing tie. blocks were starting to sag badly.

I will be going back in with FRP for the wall, because it doesn't gouge as easy, is mold resistant & wipes clean. people around here don't give a shit about anything. it looks cheap & tailer-parkey but I have to take their habits into consideration when I rebuild their hovels.
This is cool I wish I could help for free on something like this just to learn the skills.

I really enjoy my work. no one *wants* to have a job, but at least mine keeps me in shape and mentally engaged.

I'm a one man operation. my boss manages finance and legal, I manage everything else. I do things how I want when I want. I am paid well and appreciated for what I do.

life is decent.
That's insane how much block they removed. You are shoring it back up with lumber? Crazy how much they used to use unreinforced masonry for structures, including my house's foundation. I wonder how long it will last.

My mid week shit is trying to finish holiday shopping, And the wife got rear-ended a couple weeks ago and she gets her car back from the body shop and I notice her driver’s side reverse light and the top hald of the tail light isn’t working. Pulled the housing off and the reverse bulb is shaking around in the housing plus a pin from the plug. I think the top red bulb wasn’t plugged in all the way, and then I stuck the copper pin back in the pigtail and put the reverse bulb back in, although it still seems a little loose so it might take some solder or a new pigtail and I’d rather just do it myself than bring it to the body shop for a small wiring repair.

Last week was the old cat lady neighbor calling me freaking out when her car went into limp mode. I believe it was P2138, bad voltage between the throttle body and pedal position sensor. Pedal goes to a cable that goes into the APP on the firewall, which feeds signal to the throttle body. Was lucky that it was intermittent enough to pay $45 on Prime instead of $230 at VatoZone. And then she has had random PS leaks, I think her boomer neighbor tightened a hose clamp so much that fluid was pouring out under the reservoir. He probably cracked the thing so I threw $18 worth of parts at it just for sanity to know it was replaced, and she says it helped so whatever. A PS hose was leaking before and dripped all over the pulley for months so at this point it’s hard to pinpoint leaks.
Yup, that looks like a section 8 kitchen
Picked up more studs & FRP. decided to go ahead an grab a tub/shower insert while there. I don't *need* it to finish bathroom walls, but it will be nice to have on hand for exact test fit. it's also helpful to at least set the tub early on, since I have to stud the void at the valve & drain end. it gets tight.
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I'm not in any big hurry prior to Solstice holiday. got everything unloaded, moved some demo leftovers & removed some carpet to have a clean/flat spot to store.

I will probably switch gears for today and start framing in for a closet with door. currently there is just a 163cm×79sm cove with no door, just a pole for hanging clothes. I wouldn't bother with a proper closet, but I don't have to drywall and stud all the inside walls & corners of it if I make it proper with a door. I'll just drywall the new wall and leave the inside concrete block.

we'll play it by ear. see where it takes us.
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absolutely nothing is square. every door & joint has to be custom cut. fucking trapezoid doors. concrete block construction means steel door frames poured 3/4 centry ago. I chiseled one out aboot 6 years ago to replace with a modern pre-hung. fuck that. never again.

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