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Hey /diy/, have you found yet, or are you searching for, a /diy/-boo? Life gets easier when you have one.
>a /diy/-boo
wut? what's that? a ghost that jumps out of finished projects?

A strange lot
they didn't believe in having children
fantastic furniture though
Literally demon worshippers
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Hey, can someone tell me if 1777 came before 1813? Some DEI feminist twit is trying to tell me the second number came first.
guy, I'm in my 30's. finding a girl who isn't
>morbidly obese
>a single mom
>covered in retarded doodles
>completely unpleasant to be around
is almost impossible. Anything on top of that like having the vaguest overlapping in hobbies is basically a unicorn.
No one cares about shit happening outside the US, commie.
> tin disc
Tin is so soft it’s not cutting anything.

…Although maybe they were making their own tungsten carbide teeth for it and brazed them on.
maybe the egyptians had the solution?
Post your stats now
Before I gave up, tall, in moderate shape, homeowner, career, handyman skills, financially responsible. Yes, I've never been conventionally handsome, but I've never been one to demand a supermodel. And holy shit trying to get anything to a 1st date was emotionally exhausting work.

Now I'm a fat alcoholic that's ready to drop my career and make some retarded financial decisions.
>>Now I'm a fat alcoholic that's ready to drop my career and make some retarded financial decisions.
/biz/ about to get a new regular poster
kek I'm 34 and gave up.
Sometimes, specially when looking on social media at people doing cool shit with their partners like travelling, partying and going to nice restaurants it feels pretty sad and a miserable existence but the rest of the time it's just apathy so I don't really care. For sex you can always rub one out or see a hooker.
I guess not getting to have a son is sad too and as you get older and even lonelier it will probably suck more but world is also pretty fucked up so maybe it's a good thing not bringing another poor kid into this wold to suffer.
>maybe it's a good thing not bringing another poor kid into this wold to suffer.
Why do you give up so easily?
That is not Tabitha Babbitt, that's just some random Instagram model covered in makeup and wearing an old dress, but not a Quaker's dress
>so maybe it's a good thing not bringing another poor kid into this world to suffer.
I reckon this is why the religious have eugenic birthrates, because they're working towards something like making the world a better place while the atheists are self destructive with only the dumbest breeding
Go to church
I'm engaged to a trad catholic girl, met like 3 more beautiful trad virgins through her, it's not easy for them either, they just want a normal hard working guy who wouldn't mind waiting till marriage
But beware, they will expect of you to be the man of the house, make money, work hard, be strong
you won't be able to use any birth control (pulling out is birth control), you will probably need to start going to church, pray before meals etc
in return they will be the woman of the house in every word of it, raise kids, cook, clean, bake, wash, nurture, support
Trust me, trad is the way, i couldn't be happier, wish i were a better man so my fiance would be even happier
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>Life gets easier when you have one.
These Facebook posts are always gay, and always fake.

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