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Currently one helluva sale on knipex, wera, and other tools at woot.

I suppose to make it a thread, as this is one of the times of the year when you can get good deals on tools (other being prior to father's day, at least in the US), share anything you know about.
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Those look like the normal street prices too
There were actually some deals. The calendar is outdated by now, but that and the Toolchecks are normally more like $80-$90, which is overpriced. And pliers wrenches are like $45-$60+ now for normal sizes, so it’s a decent price break if you want the whole set.

Those Knipex electrician pliers are $50-$60 normally I believe, but those got scooped up quick, it was a bunch of gay Wera stuff left after a few hours.
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I came here to say this.
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