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Sooo this has been a larger project ive been planning but i dont know wether it works;

Infinite sustain pickups are really expensive and me being still in education and not able to get a job means i have to find another way. Then i came across this (https://www.instructables.com/Infinite-Guitar-Sustainer/) tutorial on just building it yourself. Though i didnt want to build that tin can amp he uses so i just went ahead and bought some LM386 pre build circuits from amazon. Now my question is:

-Will it work if i parallel wire 5 "buzzers" to create a pickup (should be about 8.5Ohm then if theyre 42 each) and use that as an input and a similar one as an output to create an infinite sustain pickup?
-Why or why not?

ive tried creating a kind of plan with chatgpt and some other resources but im not deep enough in the subject to be sure.
thanks for reading
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>However, most of the DIY implementations have been plagued with some problems, such as poor drive capability on the B and E strings. Most of these solutions are built around the LM386 amplifier chip with a JFET preamp, basically the Runoffgroove Ruby amplifier. While this is a simple circuit and can be made to work somewhat, it’s not an ideal solution.

I found some guy on youtube trying to make his own version of a sustainiac, but his first proof of concept was four years ago, and he hasn't gone back to it. Your only options are the sustainiac, Fernandes which is about the same price, and some cheaper Veyz ones that may have quality issues.
I did Google it, I do have tools, I do have basic knowledge and I'm asking for help wether something will work. At this point what is the board for if I can't ask questions
So it's impossible to diy?
It'll probably work but lower resistance means more power consumption, less signal output, and worse sustain. On top of that, you'll probably get bad frequency response problems without a better design. That said, with some tuning and careful placement of the input and output parts, you should be able to get something that works okay.
this is diy, you are not diying.

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