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Well I guess I fucked up. We live in a 250yr old farm house with stone and dirt foundation. We have had a major rat (eastern pack) infestation this year. Got some d-con and they dead quick. Apparently, the poison no longer contains a desiccant????? and these bitches are rotting in the walls ect. The places I’ve narrowed down to where their nests are are nearly inaccessible and also full of cat shit. This stink is in our clothes. How fucked am I?
Pic related. Last little guy standing.
>How fucked am I?
that depends on how much money you have. you could rip the place apart to the skeleton and rebuild from scratch, as a 250yr old is well overdue for such a renovation.
in time all will be maggots and flies
Yeah not an option
Already is in summer months for so many other reasons.
I hate it here.
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I did find two corpses.
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And I shot one with a pellet gun. But not this one.
they make fist-sized versions of the food desiccant packet you can probably just throw into the nest and dry everything out. or you could figure out a way to blow cement dust or sawdust inside the crawlspace
Oh this might be doable.
Thanks bud.
I think they're advertised as chemical dehumidifiers
Should have just down a water bucket with a rolling log trap or plank trap. All you have to do is empty the bucket of dead watery rats every day or every few days and replace with more bait and water.
Supposedly they don't like the smell of peppermint so you can use that to try and keep them out of your rigs.
You've sealed up where they were getting in, right?
Congratulations, you learned the hard way why snap traps are best. Kill them where you can reach them so, you can bag and bin the corpse
I tried that last year with little success. My buddy was a pest control guy, and I didn’t ask the right questions. He said make sure it has wafarin, but almost none of them do. I assumed they all still contained a desiccant because poison with out it is a fucking useless. I had already let them go too long trying to figure out how bad the infestation was, what they were and just plain laziness. To be honest, I don’t like killing things , even pests.
There is literally an infinite number of places they can get in. The house is 250 years old and just scabbed together. Its original purpose was a chicken coop.
The guy who did most of the work 1950s-2010s didn’t believe in levels or tape measures and was “frugal” to say the least. You should see the wiring nightmare, but that’s beyond my skill set.
It’s like a funhouse.
I’ve been here 5years helping my folks and every day I find new shit I’m like what the absolute fuck. Yesterday I found 110 spliced into itself in 3 place over 5ft.
I found an exposed and hot 220 last year. Like the big 3/4 aluminum type, just laying in the wet mud like a fucking acme brand booby trap in the “basement.”
>Kill them where you can reach them
you can bag and bin the corpse
Yeah, I really wish I had been more patient and tried more/different traps.
Put some CaO over them to dry it out and stop the smell. If it works for the cartel, it'll work for you
Good idea. Thanks.
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I recommend a terrier or 2
Yeah, this is the first year since our dog wasn’t around.
you dont have to remove the whole wall , just the bottom where the dead rodents are laying , also keep the furnace/ac fan in the on position , then get lots of baking soda to remove the stink , i hear vinegar can help remove the smell but your home will smell like pickles, you will need to spray fabreeze inside the walls as high as possible ,
>poisoning rats
you get everything you deserve
>major rat
looks like a colonel mouse, if you ask me
Got a dehumidifier and big ass fan blowing where I can’t crawl.
Still haven’t located nests proper.
But the ones I found were in corners near “shelters” probably out looking for water.
I’m afraid two have died in the duct work.
Unfortunately walls are plaster and lathe.
It’s a real nightmare.
Unfortunately, I suspect theres one under the organ but it weighs over 500lbs. I gotta rig something up to lift it.
This house is like problems on top of problems and the major shit wasn’t addressed when it was empty and it’s full to capacity… gynjo
They are wood rats.
Not happy about it myself. It’s been weighing on my conscience. They were destroying so much stuff.
To be more specific https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegheny_woodrat
Best I can figure.
don't be a pussy, they're designed to be man portable. If Sambo could handle one, you can. it probably has casters on it
my cat ran out of mice and started grabbing rabbits.

nature had it figured out before you were born.
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based. should have skipped the poison and gotten a barn cat or two.

barn cats are peak pets, they are a pet that actually earns their keep by hunting rodents, they shit outside so no cat box, they still snuggle like a normal cat would. but it's not an invalid & takes care of itself.

another benefit to a barn cat that's nice depending on your perspective, is when they're old & ready to die they just disappear. their instincts kick in & they find some dark little cave to die in.

Pic related, was my cat Otie who I had for 10-12 years. he was polydactyl & used those thumbs to catch rats, mice, birds, bats, baby rabbits, etc. he was the best cat. Sometimes he would play with the animal he caught in the living room by pawing it around before tearing it apart & eating it. Towards the end he was acting really needy & meowing all the time for pets, little did I know at the time however that this was his method for saying goodbye & wanting comfort before he finds some unseen corner to die in.
the only downside is I have to deworm them once every 3 or so months.

but you're basically on it. I got a cat that cleans the coop.

I guess it's too late now to do it a decent way. he's on damage control with organic rot inside his walls.

eventually it all dries out and doesnt matter, so time fixes this. but I don't think he'd like that answer.

basically dehumidify the house, run fans 24/7. air needs to move 24/7 and time.
I think op fucked himself in the long run.
he could also try going into the attic and seeing if he can draw or blow sir downwards into the walls for several months.
I see a pack out! wtf you do.
I've been through a lot of that. I've said goodbye a lot and it never gets easier.

dip shit here disappeared for a week and came back half weight. he's getting close, but I thought that was it cause he's older. I think he got stuck somewhere.
there are 2 below and 3 before him. I try to keep 3 cats at a time and they rotate in and out like dogs.

I'm sorry for your loss. consider killing your cats prey rather than letting them suffer if you would.
How long would it take for the corpses to finish decaying naturally and stop smelling?
>the poison no longer contains a desiccant
of course it doesn't you would need almost twice the weight of the rat in desiccant out dry out a rat.
Know your poisons, get what's right for you! The classic anticoagulant is Diphacinone, still the king. It takes several feedings over a couple of weeks for them succumb to internal bleeding, so you need a LOT to fight an infestation. A substantial buffet somewhere private, somewhere they'll go any time of day or night, and the buffet must be kept full until nothing's touched it for at least a week. There's a risk of them just getting bored of the easy buffet and fucking off, don't be afraid to mix and match brands so you can change the flavors up and keep them interested until the job's done. It's not likely to hurt anything that feeds on rodents or their corpses, but sure as shit keep your own animals the fuck away from the bait. We've used so much Diphacinone over the last 8 decades that many populations have developed an immunity, oops.

Cholecalciferol is faster, but potentially more dangerous, can cause kidney failure in all mammals. It's Vitamin D3, so manufacturers like to play up the safety, but it's plenty dangerous at rat poison concentrations. Starts killing in a couple of days, anything actively feeding on it will be dead within a week. Rodents are more sensitive than most other mammals to hypercalcemia, leading to renal failure. This is also my peeve with Cholecalciferol, as I have seen what happens when an infestation collectively pisses blood for a couple days before dropping dead.

Now the real stuff, Bromethalin, a neurotoxin developed specifically to replace Diphacinone. It's that rat poison you see in the movies, the stuff Agent 47 uses, causes vomiting, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, seizures, and potentially death. Does the job in anywhere from ~12 hours to a few days, depends on several metabolic factors. A single feeding is more than enough, no 3 week buffet needed. It works on all mammals. The lethal dose varies widely, 5mg/kg in rats but a measly 0.25mg/kg in humans. A $35 bottle of Tomcat can potentially kill 70+ people, neato.
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It’s a Lowery Prestige. It does not have castors. It’s by far one of the heaviest single pieces of furniture I’ve ever moved.
Maybe pool tables? but they are bigger and have way more hand hold positions.
Need to rig a lever up to get under, but it’s flush, have to protect surfaces as well.
My dad insists on feeding cats wet food. This disrupts their instinct to hunt. He’s senile, there no convincing him otherwise.
We originally had nine cats. The road has taken all but three. However, they have destroyed nearly everything I care about by shitting, pissing, vomiting, or scratching.
Got fans and dehumidifiers running. Also, whole hose fan.
A chipmunk die in the oven in this trailer I lived in once while I was…away for a while, the stink never really left. >>2881761
Very organized. Something to aspire to.
Desiccation is primary problem. Any still do this?

Cats attract rodents and give your kids tranny suicide brain disease
Actually most never contained desiccants, but rather they're desiccating because they cause severe dehydration. Because the majority of common poisons used for rodents do not act immediately but instead take several days there's plenty of time for the animal to lose a very significant amount of their water mass before they die, so they dry out faster once dead, simple. The fast-acting stuff can't pull off this trick, and frankly the old slow shit like warfarin and diphacinone didn't actually do it consistently, but the claim made for good marketing. Some of the modern hypercalcemia/Vitamin D3 overdose poisons can also pull off this trick by causing renal failure, they spend a few days pissing blood and dehydrating before dying. The unfortunate reality is a "desiccating rodenticide" that leaves behind dry corpses that don't stink is just a fantasy. People want them, so manufacturers do their best to put the idea of it in your head, but it's just not a real thing.

The best way to avoid this is traps, I still swear by bucket traps, especially rolling logs. I've left a bucket trap in a barn for too long and had the bodies pile up until other mice could get in, feed off the dead, and get back out. They're simple and extremely effective, and you get to dump them in a hole outside. If we're past the point of no return and you're dealing with dead in the walls then I recommend an ozone generator. Ozone gens can be dangerous, ozone is toxic and irritating as fuck. It reacts with all sorts of organics, it can rapidly degrade plastics, tarnish or rust metals, it's very bad if you're stupid with it. Use it correctly and safely and it'll do an amazing job of removing most bad odors, and it'll do it very quickly. Just don't be like the retards who make the mistake of cranking up their chinese ozone generator to max while they're away on a long weekend, it can end with ruining everything you own that contains plastic, rubber, or electronics.
bro do you just genocide every animal population you come in contact with?

stop killing shit. holy shit.
I appreciate it. don't aspire to it. I'm autistic. every single tool has a micro print and black light ink on it In case someone steals them.

I paid everything with an orange dot so I can tell at a glance it's mine and there are no arguments over tools.

I can't even wash eggs for dinner without organizing them by color and size.

if you still have smell years later there are bigger issues like fluids soaked into wood. I had to redo my entire kitchen cause the previous owner had a mouse infestation and let them piss all in the wood.

when I redid some drywall I found around 30 or 40 mouse bodies, the most metal one being a guy who touched a wire.

you should consider a borescope and drill, find where the nest is located. then cut it out and replace work drywall once cleaned out.

you can get a cheap one on Amazon i use for chimney inspections.
I used bucket traps in the coop when my cat couldn't keep up.
it was like 15 a night until nothing.

bucket traps +1 even though I think they are cruel.
Cats don't catch shit compared to traps. T. got 3 cats and they barely made a dent in rat population, but well placed traplines killed them all within a week.
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odd. I got a 13 yr old boy who is better with a gun than you and can produce his own food.

you ask 3 people before you can even eat. your boss for paper, the bank to change the paper into paper+
and finally, you go to the grocery with your little certificates and they tell you what you can get from the prize pool this time!

you're going to die in Iran, for Israel.
you are more of a needy socialist communist than me and I am a woods Marxist.

you are the weak "man" who create hard times.
you can't understand the information the world gives you and therefore your opinion and often times your very existence, is moot.

cats don't attract rodents, that's a bias you hold because cats go to where the food source is.

are you attracted to bears?
are rabbits attracted to hawks?

I guess slaughter houses just attract cows.

we haven't even stepped into the tranny stuff yet. which would be Vance, trump, and of course, you. the grannies I actually know of.

but I don't know a single time in American history when the right leaning folks were not gay uneducated retards who fuck kids and march to whatever orders Israel barks.

id kill you friend.
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if you leave food out it can attract mice, but that doesn't mean cats attract them. The only thing that makes a mouse seek out cats is a disease.

I can't get over this "I saw 2 mice enter the straw and 6 left! God must of made them from dirt while I wasn't looking!" peasant brain shit you guys seem to all consider a fucking personality.
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you can't just get cats. you have to provide the opportunity, environment, and space to hunt.

you can't just buy a guard dog for livestock, it needs to be trained.
you can't just buy a guy and be able to hit a target at 100 yards having never used it. you need training.
if you got bad barn cats thats on you. the bucket traps work a lot better, but they also don't clean themselves, get rid of the bodies, or seek out the rodents where they are.

cats have their place as long as you know how to use them.

you know how to use buckets and not how to work with animals. that's fine. just live in Tampa or somewhere better suited for you.

not everything is for everyone.

some issues you might encounter with a bad barn cat that you cause is.
-feeding them more than supplemental food
(the mouse should always be the better meal, but you need "rice and beans" for the cat to fall back on so it doesn't die)
-removing access to where mice are (lots of furniture or debris for mice to hide cause you like stupid shit like organs and furniture)
-interrupting the animal during hunts
-punishing it's instincts
-not feeding the cat at all

if you don't feed them at all you never form any type of relationship and the cat sees you as a object in their world rather than something to interact with
and the cat will hover around you and clean out your space while having enough supplemental energy to perform when needed even if he hasn't in a while.

he's your soldier and you can't just not work logistics for him.
this all is assuming they have game in their DNA and didn't have hunting bred out.
you can't buy a cat from the pound.

mine always train each other, same with dogs. I always have 3. one old, one learned, one learning.

this is my dog being trained to hunt fox with a pelt I stripped.

animals arnt for everyone, especially if you been isolated from the natural world most of your life and have no real understanding of it.
>schizophrenic cat person meltdown
>Yeah not an option
Then deal with it, you're the retard that used poison without reading up on the risks.
So, what you're telling me is you're so toxoplasmosised you can't make objective judgements on mouse removal.
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it was information to try to help you about a topic you know nothing about. animals.
I'm not the dip shit with the rat problem.
good job doubling down on your failed ideologies tubby.
I guess if you were smart enough you'd just be doing it.

Jiggle jiggle schlomo.
what's it like when you can't afford eggs?
Not reading all of this tranny nonsense in this thread, but a QRD on indoor cats
>A lot of the times they're an early-warning system for mice. They'll kill a pioneer mouse and bring it to you
>They can slow the boom of mouse populations in the early stages significantly, and drop off later
>1 mouse makes 5 babies in 3 weeks, but if your cat kills 2 mice within those 3 weeks there are only 3 babies and the population is nearly cut in half. If you have 2 mice making 10 babies the cat's effectiveness is reduced by half, while the mouse population will only be reduced by 20%. After you have a couple mice instead of just one cats lose their effectiveness.
>Traps will always be more efficient
There you go. No need to argue about it anymore in every single mouse or rat thread, cats are effective in the early stages of a mouse infestation, and lose their effectiveness rapidly, at that point it's up to you to put traps up. They might give you a couple weeks more of time before a big population boom. They won't prevent the boom or completely get rid of the mice, just slow the problem significantly. Runaway infestations have to be handled by traps.
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breed long mice
What's done is done but for the future:
Bromadiolone, as well as brodifacoum, difenacoum, and difethialone are only marketed for commercial purposes, can't be sold in small quantities (I think 4lb is the legal minimum if I recall correctly), and can't be purchased at a retail store. They're effective anticoagulant poisons, like warfarin but significantly "stronger." That doesn't make them more effective necessarily, but it does help with populations that have developed immunity to older stuff like warfarin. It's also way more dangerous to other wildlife, people, and pets, which is why it's regulated and why you won't find it at Home Depot. If you work with it or other powerful anticoagulants you have to do regular blood testing to ensure you're not getting any significant cumulative exposure, the shit adds up until you're bleeding from your eyes, nose, dick, ass, and eventually bleeding into the brain causing seizures and later death. Use caution if you want to step into using shit that's not intended for consumers, follow directions or you'll be the faggot who killed every cat, dog, owl, and hawk in the neighborhood and all the trout in the nearby river. Don't be afraid to use whatever the hell you want, just don't be a retard about it.
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i think mice are cute
Lol damn that sounds rough
Not him but I was with you until you said "woods marxist" and then somehow got even gayer saying other shit like some kind of hippie boomer from 2000. You are completely backwards. All from some faggot posting obvious bait lol.
It is.
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are you in eastern Kentucky?
>schizo seething about eggs because the bucket trap beats the cats 10/10 times
I don't care if you're with me brother. I'd rather you be your own person.

you don't meet insanity with sanity. the dude literally said cats attract mice.
why shouldn't be he shouted down?

did you know cops attract crime?

I didnt even disagree that bucket traps work really well as >>2882228 implies.

I guess I'm just getting sick of hearing retarded shit all the time.

I'll see myself out. have a good time.
Cats do attract mice
Only a retarded toxopozzed catfaggot would think a neverending buffet of mice for his cat hoard means the problem is under control
Could you kill yourself already? You brought nothing useful to this thread.
The one that is toxoplasmosised is you.
serves you right, leave your house as an open invitation and then kill your guests you deserve to suffer.
rodents are more intelligent, carry less disease, have better morals, and are more environmentally friendly than humans.
if you choose to let one into your house the least you could do is not murder it.
you will never get rid of any pest by killing alone, you must prevent entry in the first place.
a cat is the second worst mistake you can make, mice and rats in an average home can very easily outbreed what even two or three cats can hunt. the reason you don't think you have mice once you get a cat is because they are hiding from the cat. this should be immediately obvious when you are a week, a month, six months after getting a cat and its still catching mice. this is treating the symptoms not the cause. your house is still infected.
simply shore up the leaks and enjoy your peaceful life.
and stop shitting up my board with your retarded mouse problems every month.
dude these fuckers can also die natural in your walls and starting to rot and stink.
>you should consider a borescope and drill, find where the nest is located. then cut it out and replace work drywall once cleaned out.
>you can get a cheap one on Amazon i use for chimney inspections.

so far the only usefull advice
Just open your fucking windows for a few weeks
leave the cute rattos you faggot
its winter smart ass
I keep fucking telling people, never poison for rodents.
If they're in the walls you'll never find all the corpses without tearing down the house.

1. remove food sources
3. traps

If you don't remove the food source, you'll trap hundreds of them. I think my dad racked up 250 before he figured out a compost bin next to the house isn't a great idea.
>remove food sources

i have food outside for my ducks. how should i handle this ?
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Most cheap feeders like this are made to be hung. Hang it, high as you can without blocking the birds from feeding. A Shepherd's Hook and some bailing wire is good enough to hang it wherever and adjust the height. Doesn't completely cut off access to mice and rats, they're more than clever enough, but every little bit helps. They want a safe, easy, and consistent food source, anything you can do to make their lives a little worse increases the odds of them looking elsewhere. Timed access feeders are a good option too, food access is completely blocked outside of designated feeding times, and the rodents won't want to eat with the birds. Timed feeding like this also encourages more opportunistic feeding by the ducks. Ducks, like chickens, will kill and eat mice given the opportunity, and unlike cats they don't attract rodents[1]. Severe outdoor infestations can be treated with poisons, just be sure you follow their instructions closely and spend the extra cash on an appropriate bait station for your specific bait so you can avoid poisoning your flock or other animals. Be doubly careful if you've got a stream/river/pond on or adjacent to your property, some common rodent poisons are very bad for a wide variety of aquatic life.

1. "Furthermore, it is not merely the case that Toxoplasma attenuates the aversion to cat urine; instead, rats and mice develop an actual attraction to the pheromones." Behavioral changes induced by Toxoplasma infection of rodents are highly specific to aversion of cat odors - Ajai Vyas, Seon-Kyeong Kim, Nicholas Giacomini, John C. Boothroyd, Robert M. Sapolsky

anon is right.

starve them out, catch in glue traps, KO with a shovel.
He said he's well into summer, dumbass
i hope your folks are kinder to you than me. I'm constantly taken advantage of but my genes keep me pinned down like a neeedle in a butterfly.
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>muh communism works if it's actually a tradcon family innawoods you see.

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