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I'm making various body armors. Here is my current setup:
Torin Gray Porcelain Tile
Single layer of 18oz fiberglass
Torin Gray Porcelain Tile
Single layer of 18oz fiberglass
24 layers of 18oz fiberglass
All surrounded in 2 layers of 18oz fiberglass and cemented with 1 layer of 18oz fiberglass.

It survived 10 rounds of M855 from a 20" barrel at ~30 yards.
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Here is my first attempt. The setup was:
Capri Classics Porcelain Tile
Single layer of 18oz fiberglass
Capri Classics Porcelain Tile
Single layer of 18oz fiberglass
24 layers of 18oz fiberglass
All surrounded in 2 layers of 18oz fiberglass and cemented with 1 layer of 18oz fiberglass.
My next plate will be:
Torin Gray Porcelain Tile
Single layer of 18oz fiberglass
Capri Classics Porcelain Tile
Single layer of 18oz fiberglass
20 layers of 18oz fiberglass
All surrounded in 2 layers of 18oz fiberglass and cemented with 1 layer of 18oz fiberglass.

This should reduce the weight somewhat, while maintaining protection. The latest plate had a weight of 9lbs 14oz. The first was ~9lb 2oz. The plates have been 10.5x12", but I plan on making that 10x12 or 9.75x11.75 to further reduce weight.
I've also been looking at these ceramic plates: https://blackbeardpp.com/shop/ols/products/reaction-bonded-sic-ceramic-torso-plate

According to their ebay listing it only takes 10 layers of 24oz woven fiberglass to make a lvl4 plate. I've got plenty of that. The epoxy I use may not be as good as theirs, so I'll add a couple more layers. I use the cheapest epoxy on Amazon. According to them the final weight will be around 7lbs, which is lighters than most entry level lvl4 plates. It'll also have the benefit of using silicon carbide instead of alumina. I'd have to buy some drop foam padding and cheap cordura to finish the plate. I'd guess they would come out around $125 each
wouldn't some tool grade steel be better than the ceramic, just too expensive for mass application?
I spent $8 on the plate. Steel is expensive and heavy, so I wouldn't use it either way. I have looked into thin aluminum sheets to add to the strikeface. It looks as though compressing the ceramic in fiberglass and aluminum would increase it's effectiveness.
what about an elastic layer that grabs the bullet
tire tread spaced armor after the first third of fiberglass
I made a plate once from 1/4 AR-400 steel, I gave it a 5 degree bend in the middle. I worked in a fab shop so cost was $0. I shit it with a .45, not surprisingly the bullet did nothing.
nasrallah was behind 100 linear feet of compacted earth and concrete, it's better to just not get shot
Some guy on here was making custom body armor and armor masks a few years ago. I think he just had 100% plastic, though it was pretty thick.
Good, now upgrade it with a proper ceramics.

Why use kitchen tiles when you can bye actual intender ceramic tiles meant for bodyarmor form china?

Cheapest option is alumina and if you want something better then silicon carbide is on menu.

Also for backing glasfibre might be easiest to make, byt kevlar and UHMWPE is an option.
Just melt some aluminum cans and throw in bar of magnesium, better stuff

Can this be DIYed on a smaller scale? The oven may be a bit complicated, but I believe it's doable if scaled down.
I'm also looking at a thickness around 1.18". I want it to fit in my condor Sentry

Too much money and work.

Have thought about using popcans, but never tried. I guess it would be a good excuse to make a foundry.

Kinda. It would never be consistent at a small level, especially the oven.
uh.................. OP?
which CEO are you going after?

you will get caught, and you will be shot with something that will go right through whatever you can make.
Bretty good for floor tiles.
How much does it weigh?
Did you take it apart to see how far the steel penetrator went?
That plate was 10.5x12, weighing 9lb 14oz. One steel penetrator was caught between the ceramic, all others were caught by the backer.
There is a youtube channel that just experiments with composites for various things. Can't think of the name. Super interesting if you are into that sort of thing. And, I have a buddy who designs body armor. composites of ceramic and fibers definitely seems to be the way to go.
Stainless steel mesh is light and really cheap. Even if you use the ceramic I’d expect it would hold the ceramic together better. Also any pics of the damage behind the plate? Even if plate has no hole wearer could still get tiny shards of ceramic inside his body
Are you thinking of the German with pieces of ceramics in resin?
Sometimes I wonder about him, did he get v&, did his wife take the kids and flee his escapades?
No damage behind the plate. No ceramic escaped the outer layer of fiberglass
>you will get caught, and you will be shot with something that will go right through whatever you can make.
pigniggers are running 5.56x45mm which is easily defeated.
Protecting yourself is fascist..
there were some interesting developments in non Newtonian fluid in combination with fiberglass because unlike ceramic strike plate the fluid reforms after being hit.

I would consider buying 2A kevlar and just duct taping a strike plate to it and dipping the plate in rubber cement.

From what I gather, the density of fiberglass is important, high density fiberglass is achieved with compression. So I wonder how far you would get with a bottle jack.

Metal has a significant advantage in deflecting energy, even if that's just pushing rounds though your vest diagonally that's still a pythaorean increase in armor thickness. so I'm thinking you don't want a flat plate, you want something conquistador shaped. Can you stop a IV round? no, but you could sure as shit deflect it. Even if you deflected it, it still went through your armor, and still hit you, if you deflected it away from vital organs you would survive a body shot with a IV rifle
That's fascinating anon but I don't see how it fits into the exact weight and dimensions of mass produced body armor he could just buy. How will it fit in the slot of his mass produced vest?
It should actually be stronger if not epoxied at all
fuck off
democracy is best when armed to the teeth because nobody dares to invade you nor fuck with the citizens
You got some ideas for pellet catchers with recoverable lead?
I need the pellets to come out clean enough to melt them down right after, the catcher needs to tolerate 30FPE for a few hundred rounds but ideally it would do up to 120FP (for a planned CO2 rifle build).
This guy is a great jump off point
Plastic bags and tile
Stupid question, but why are you using fiberglass instead of some aramid fabric?
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I'm going to give (You) the benefit of the doubt, and assume this is just a lazy attempt at shitposting.
>I think he just had 100% plastic
Those are UHMWPE (Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight-Poly-Ethylene) and their big strength is the lack of need to process them much further. Downside is that you need a lot more of it (relatively) to stop bullets, so plates that use them just balance the thickness of AR plate and UHMWPE.
cost vs weight

Even cheap nylon would be better. Dupont will sell Kevlar TM just really expensive.
Almag is not used for strength, but for lightness as on old VW engine cases.
How does UHMWPE compare to HDPE? I've made plates from recycled milk jugs that stop anything below 5.56.
If I ever need body armor I will buy it not DIY it. Not taking my chances m8
actually if you ever need body armor DIY is the only way you'll actually survive.
Since it's the only way you'd get away with being hit with a rocket.
No grade body army made professionally by a random company is meant to survive more than a few hits of the most common rounds.

>No grade body army made professionally by a random company is meant to survive more than a few hits of the most common rounds.
Yet it does. The limit put on it is liability insurance and a way to sell more armor. The local firearms safety class has been using the same piece of armor for 10 years, it sits outside in the sun and rain, and it's fluffed out and unwearable, but it still stops all the rounds it is rated for, and occasionally rounds that outclass it.
There was a thread on this on 8ch. The absolute best design thus far, commercial/military grade included, was an actual (expired) patented design, capable of withstanding multiple hits: multiple layers of steel bearing balls encased in resin/plastic.
has anyone ever tried doing this but just wrapping dried hard packed sand in fiberglass?
Do you have the link to the patent, or the name of the armor?
I'm sure I had the actual thread and patent pdf stored at some point, but can't find it rn; not sure if it's still somewhere or was lost to some hdd crash.
Btw, I think what read was actually a 8kun thread referring the original 8ch thread, but not really sure.
Guess your best chance would be to look for pstents on the subject.
Its got to be I honestly cannot fathom a human being who would unironically think like that.

have you tried mixing the fiberglass with carbon fiber?
How the fuck would that even work? You are essentially wrapping yourself in the outer layer lf a claymore.
Carbon fiber is only strong longitudinally to the fiber; it has next to zero elasticity.
It's an actual patent and it actually works against multiple impacts; maybe a tungsten bullet will go through, but other than that, steel balls just withstand and disperse energy and plastic holds it all together.
Too bad I can't find the file. Maybe someone in /k has it.
> I've made plates from recycled milk jugs

I've tried this and I failed. What was your process?
if you diy you'll be much more likely to afford testing.
I found this while looking around but I don't know if its the same principle. For one its not a patent but the concept may be similar except that here they're creating some sort of foam using powder sintering and hollow bearings.

It would be nice if someone found that patent you guys are referring to because it will probably be a lot cheaper than this is.
Anyway, the point of it was not just its effectivity, but its simplicity and easy of diy. It was just a matter of laying some 3 layers of tightly packed small steel balls in a mould, then pouring the pe plastic, or vice versa. It was pretty much just this. I think it also mentioned cylinder (magnets like) shaped steel, but that's pretty much just all about it.
I think the patent was by some Israeli. It was from 8ch pol (dark grey background theme. That I definitely remember lol).
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One method for DIY body armor I've been curious about for some time is using epoxy resin with glass fibers mixed in and suspending steel or ceramic balls in the mixture. The only down side is high quality epoxy can get somewhat expensive but maybe the glass fiber filler and steel / ceramic balls would displace enough volume that it wouldn't take a large amount of epoxy to form a plate.

Another downside would be making it curved. If you pour the epoxy in the mold with the backside of the plate laying down, the front of the plate will become flat and only the back of the plate will be curved. You could make the mold so the bottom of the plate is pointed downward which would allow both the front and back to be curved but then you are doing a deep pour and have to worry about bubbles.
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The problem with steel based armor is the bullets tend to fragment and create a bunch of spawling that can be dangerous. The plates need to be encased in something to capture the fragments but I've haven't seen many commercial steel plates that do a good job of this. I recall seeing one steel plate that handled capturing the spawl pretty well and used a type of polymer coating to mitigate the fragments. But that plate cost almost as much as many ceramic plates so that kind of defeat the point.
met him in >>>/bant/pmg a while back

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