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Is 18650 still relevant form factor for batteries?
It's good for small things. Smaller power tool batteries, flashlights, small-but-high-voltage battery packs, ie. for ebikes.
>Is 18650 still relevant form factor for batteries?
stupid question. it's used now more than ever, only bad thing is that it can easily be installed backwards.

I prefer them to pouches in lots of situations because they don’t fucking swell.

I’m wondering where we’re at with the tabless 18650s. The tabless power tool battery packs all seem to be using 21700 cells. I think they charge real fast too, and it would be nice to chage up 3000mAh tabless 18650s in like 30min without toasting them.
> no tabless 18650
21700s benefit from tabless because of the higher current, which comes from the larger cell size.

It’s like imagining you can re-charge a tabless AAA NiMh with 3A. It’s likely to vent. For 18650s tabs aren’t the limiting factor. If need be, they can make 4-tab cells for high current (2 tabs for each terminal) rather than going “tabless” (which is actually many tabs folded over)… more of a marketing thing wher words have no meaning.

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