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I have an old Rubbermaid cuckshed. It's holding up well, all things considered, but the door hardware (handles and lock loops) have peeling paint and are rusty. Replacing them isn't an option because Shittymaid is not offering spares for sale and I could not find any alternatives due to their weird design.

- What's a good chemical solution that can get rid both of flaking paint and rust on the metal?
- With what can I cover the metal once I strip it? Needs to stand up to salt air and direct sunlight. Plastidip?
A wire cup on an angle grinder takes off rust easy. Get something other than the cheapest chinkshit or you'll embed bristles in everything nearby. I'd finish with an epoxy spray paint.
Thanks, anon. I don't have an angle grinder so that's why I am hoping for a chemical solution where I can (at most) finish things off with a wire brush.
>epoxy spray paint
Something like this, or is it overkill?

Do these also need primer or just a bare surface that was treated with Isoprop/paint thinner?
Get a drill-mounted wire brush. Or an angle grinder. FFS, this is DIY, not BDSM.

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