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I'm looking to rehang a 32+ inch handle axe (with a nice thick handle) and I'm not confident enough to make my own yet. The ones sold online or in stores are flimsy shit.

All the sites that seem to do nice replacement handles seem to be from the new US of A. Stuff looks great but would cost the price of the handle to ship over here. Anyone Bong anons had this problem too?

Does anyone know of any small companies or individuals that provide such a service over here or at least closer than the US?

Bonus points for advice or recommendations that don't require me to have a loicense or get molested by Keir Starmer.
Post axe handle licence
just make your own
Legit there’s some UK scottish kid who uses old school woodworking methods, pops up on my shorts all the time. His bread + butter to start was refurbishing old axes and hammers and I wouldn’t be surprised if he would make a handle for a “fan” so he could post another video.

He’s always wearing one of those old timey poor kid Scrooge begging kid hats.
You'll never catch me alive, copper.
Anon this will be my first time rehanging an axe, and it is a full size large one. I'm not going to order a ton of US hickory blocks and spend ages teaching myself how to make a full size 32+ inch handle, that would cost more and mean I don't have an axe to use for the period of me teaching myself. I don't have the time or skill for that yet. Most people start by making a hatchet handle, not something full sized.
That guy is Irish. I have seen his stuff but I doubt I can just hit up him up and ask him to make me a large axe handle. I'm perfectly happy to pay someone for their skill and labour, just seems the UK doesn't have custom small businesses as much as the US for this stuff.
The problem with current ax handles is there made so cheaply, it's less frustrating you'll get longer life out of just buying a new one and dumping the old ax head or whatever into a corner someplace. I think I've got five now from various makers that I did this to. The only one I didn't do this for was it extremely useful hewing ax meant for Timber or log home building.
One accident I bought, the green was arranged poorly on it and actually went across the length of the handle at an angle so it split right across there and the thing went flying. Never again will I make that mistake
Yeah I ordered one and went to pick it up and it was flimsy rubbish which is why I am looking custom. There are companies in the US that will take custom orders to make it to the specs you want but I haven't found one here.

I don't want to chuck my axe because it is an old one from a family friend that could be 100 years old. The head is still solid just the handle needs replacing. It is a sentimental thing to me as well as being a practical tool which is why I am willing to pay more to get something custom made.
There's some guy who does custom hammers but also does custom ax handles etc. Maybe send it to him. He was featured on here a while ago

Brent Bailey Forge
I had a look at his site but it seems that he doesn't do individual wooden axe handles, only purchases of new tools. He is a blacksmith after all, so metalwork will be his concern. He probably buys in standard handles to fit to what he forges.

He is also from California, US, which is part of the original problem for getting a custom handle made in the UK. Shipping from the US to the UK (if custom makers will do it at all) will take a £40-50 handle to £100 through shipping costs. (Something like a $60 product with $60 shipping, doubling the product cost to $120).

I know there are businesses in the US that do custom handles, I just can't find any that do so in the UK.
It may be worth having one of the US companies make it, generally niche things like axe handles are only done by people that actually care about the product that they're sending you. A well-made ash or hickory handle will last you your lifetime and more if you don't abuse it.
Its a fucking stick mate, if it breaks make another handle
Fucking axe handle autists
Asking "where can I buy a good one that won't snap?" seems far less autistic than making your own.
Doew no one in the UK have a loicense for making handles? Kek!
It's literally a glorified fucking stick, if thats something you can't handle (:D) just get off this board and find a local woodworker to do it for you jesus fucking christ. (doesnt need to be him :D) If youre in a hurry just go to home depot, buy a fiskars with a polymer handle and you're good to go for a decade or two, I'm sure youll manage to carve a new handle to the old one in that time. If you're in a hurry and don't have the money to buy an axe you're a fucking junkie and should consider finding other ways of aquiring debts from your colleagues, they can't steal for you without fingers.

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