How do you deal with depression/resentment on your own?Specifically, How do you manage thoughts about powerlessness, indignation over the decisions of others, and how to cope if you couldn't give a shit about GDP, "Development", and any other stuff that benefits private companies? I don't feel good consuming stuff, I feel bad if i think I've overspent. I feel bad if I see a forest I knew get cut down to make room for a mall. I know most people somehow don't care, but I get feelings of anger, I get feelings of sadness, I regret my powerlessness. I can't stop feeling and nobody I talk seems to realize feeling things are beyond my control. How do you deal with this yourself.
>>2882046Go take a walk in the forest (not a cut down forest).
>>2882046I think you need to be in advice, because you sound gay and retarded.
>>2882046You need to find a higher purpose. Something bigger than yourself. Charity, a family god, ideology, something. That’s the problem with people today: they think consuming endlessly will fill the void. It won’t.
>>2882046> How do you deal with depression/resentment on your own?You don’t. Talk to someone. Even if it’s some anonymous stranger on the internet (except 4chan)
>>2882068religion just makes it worse.
>>2882046I've learned to not really give a fuck about anything that I cannot personally control. I work on my own life and don't really give a shit about anything outside of that. People are always going to fuck everything up. Just try and keep yourself, your family, and your property out of the collateral damage from others.
>>2882046Seriously talk to a professional. From my own experience it sounds like a lot is building up and while you should be annoyed at what you see, if you don't find a healthy outlet you might explode at something that doesn't matter. Focus on what you can reasonably control, improve those and build.For the love of all gods don't come to /diy/ for realistic help with non-DIY problems, we can barely handle those
I don’t have an answer to existential nausea, anger, or impotence except to describe my own answers, such as they are. The real name of our species is homo faber, because wise we are not. What we are, however, is good at making things. We cannot survive except for our tool design, construction, and implementation. The source of the vast and incredible changes in our tools is at its root driven by criticality, because creativity requires a critical perspective to attain so much as a plus one in elements, whatever they might be. What you need and what everyone might benefit from is not necessarily art as I once thought, but rather from the return to our primordial nature as tool users. This includes but is not limited to gardening, wrenching on cars, furniture design and fabrication, functional pottery, theatre (yes pretending to be someone else is a tool, systematic shifting of belief structures especially axioms, but also drawing and painting, music, writing, poetry, because all of them even when spoken use devices which are of the poetic kind. Cooking your own food at least once a day might even help. Perhaps vegetarianism might be a good change for you because I assure you that we do not have the right to treat lower lifeforms the way we treat animals and this is self-evident by the assertion that higher lifeforms have higher responsibility to protect the weak, otherwise they are anything but higher. I can attest to the sudden changes that occur when one becomes vegetarian for reasons that are the refusal to place my self-indulgent enjoyment and mistaken belief that I was some kind of predator above the animals which were condemned to a life not worth living.
Karma is not what you think it is, and I don’t think I have it all figured out. At a certain point I discovered a pattern of irony, and even though this is not a word that quite fits it, what I am describing is a change of state that is too numerous in iteration to be coincidence. Living by the sword then dying by the sword is a well known idiom, but there is more. The one that you need to know about is the suffering that follows one who makes other sentient beings suffer, so simple yet conspicuous in its absence. You are more than your beliefs. Belief is a tool so learn to change it when you find happiness elusive and satisfaction is better anyway. This is a challenge more than an answer, as it should be.
>>2882046Alright anon, I'm gonna get myself banned again (happened the last time I answered seriously to a question like yours...).I've been through this shit myself, so forgive me if I sound a bit angry / aggressive at times.In simple terms, you need to man up and just don't be depressed anymore. I know, I know - that's like the no1 thing people tell you is impossible. Well, they're lying, or making excuses for failing. Got that? Then here's what you need to do:>short termGet your hormones into emergency mode. I used pain (taking a baton and striking my forearms until red) at my worst times, but I'd recommend trying weight training or running first. Does the same, just takes more time and some money. Embrace the suck, take the hits, and you'll start feeling better. Training in nature makes it more effective.>mid termSet goals. They need to be SMART (yes, that shitty acronym they teach you in business school). Take baby steps towards your end goal. My specific goals were linked to self-sufficiency farming and combat readiness, so probably not that helpful for you. If I'm wrong about that, I'll write up a bit more.You're gonna get back down every time you fail at something. It'll feel worse than your starting position at times. If that happens, get back into balance (exhaustion, pain, loud music - get angry) or numb yourself (romance anime, in my case) if the problem will improve on its own. Then persevere.>long termOnce you start reaching your goals, you'll end up where you started, kinda. Empty on the inside again, like there's nothing left to do. At that point, you can either pick new goals, or, preferably, pick a "goal" that's a process and will never end. In my case, the process is keeping myself combat ready and maintaining my farming operation, for example.
>>2882248Just realized OP might not have taken business classes (yeah, working in the field makes you forget others don't), so here's a link to the SMART stuff:
Drugs and alcohol like a normal person.
>>2882046>doesn't give a shit about GDP, "Development", and any other stuff that benefits private companies>doesn't feel good consuming stuff>feels bad after having overspentI don't know how to tell you this, but your reaction is correct. You shouldn't give a shit about GDP and other bullshit. You should feel bad when you see a forest being clearcut. Only the somewhat sociopathic won't feel bad about that.
>>2882046>Specifically, How do you manage thoughts about powerlessness, indignation over the decisions of others, and how to cope if you couldn't give a shit about GDP, "Development", and any other stuff that benefits private companies?ok, there's a lot to unpack here. >powerlessness>indignation over the decisions of othersshe's already gone. You won't be ok until you find someone who respects and empowers you.>how to cope if you couldn't give a shit about GDPyou emphasize that part of yourself in contrast to someone who does care. For all I know, you love money but the other person loves it more. the only way to pull this off in a relationship is to be indispensable to her in other ways, but that's already out the window if you're having the money argument. You're very deep in folded layers of habituated argument and resentment now, as happens when lovers continually fill their cup with suffering.
I quit drinking and moved to the wilderness and have never been more content
caring too much is bad. People around the world are fine trust me. Trees? Theyre alive but i wouldnt want live as a tree.Anyways money is important as far as covering the expenses i got my expenses covered and can put aside like $400 per month. Like if i tell a homeless stop caring about money id be a dousche but if i told someone who won the shitcoin lottery to buy the lambo i wouldnt be wrong.
Feeling powerless because your wife cucked you is different from anxiety about death or climate change. With anxiety we say "there are always things you can't control, focus on what's in your grasp" but putting up with a negative woman is your own fault. Others can sympathize with someone stuck in that predicament, but it's not possible to help because it's down to choice. It is in your grasp.
>>2882547>mfw Dick Proenneke's youtoob channel would be demonitized today for being too stale, pale and male
>>2882068higher purpose does nothing because ultimately you're still living with all the other npcs and they're the ones causing you stress
>>2882049>SPBPgo to /adv/ OP
>>2882049>>2882777>>2882243that board is npc central you morons
>>2882046my cat used to help me with bad feels she got run over earlier this year by a car in a slow street
>>2882784pot calling the kettle black
>>2882119Catholics make it worse, desu. Lutherans are primal chads of worship if OP, or anyone decides to take the faithpill.
>>2882967First day?
>>2882046Spend more time outside. Way more. No screens, maybe an e-reader if a real book is too much to carry. Read outdoors in a secluded location.
>>2882998the thing with going out to secluded places is that you have to come back sometime probably within the day you could just move somewhere but that's not easy
If you have too much on your mind, you could try out 5-HTP. It's a natural antidepressant and it is not addictive.
>>2883019is that a new word for exercise? wait, that shit's addictive
>>2882231That's some good reasoning for vegetarianism desu. That's my role i think, or at least the one i give myself, to protect and nurture.
>>28830164x a week is enough to start changing your mindset
>>2883186>jut hike out to woods 4 days a week bro
>>2882046You've got some shit stuffed into your head and all those negative emotions are you trying to resolve your cognitive dissonance. You're not getting sad over bad things happening in the world, you're getting sad because you don't understand why anything would be good.
>>2883201yup. that or kill yourself or go see a new hack "therapist" every month for yet another prescription.
>>2882046I feel you.
>>2883205you will have to kys since you won't be able to make a living if you aren't properly checked into society
>>2883226if you can't find some undeveloped space in less than an hour's drive, you're living in hell
it's axiomatically impossible! Let me explain. Diseases and disorders aren't demons escaped from Pandora's Box. They have preconditions. In order to get a disease you need to fulfill the preconditions like a diabetic getting fat or some other pancreatic damage. If you are diabetic, you've already filled the preconditions and what's done is done. Any amputated toes are permanently gone. That's why medicine doesn't address the underlying problem, the problem is simply causality. You can't un-cause causality. You may say "I'm not fat" because you weren't raised that way. Great. The fact remains that you were raised to other maladies instead, and your fate is to a certain extent immutable and unchanging because the foundation is already laid. Your anxiety and depression are a product of real forces in your life and more importantly, as of right now they're a product of the permanent unchangeable past. It doesn't matter that some people exercise and touch grass to prevent depression, like your svelte figure doesn't stop other people from getting diabetes. You don't do things to prevent depression, axiomatically, so it's impossible to be well.
>>2882046You uproot the wholesome and cultivate the wholesome... real religion teaches this, for example some lineages of Buddhism.There's no escaping anything truly without getting to its root, and that work requires you build a tolerance to the kinds of anxiety that come with facing problems you caused and then burried.As to feelings, your problem isn't that they arise at this point, it's that you can't tolerate them wel-enough, and look deeply into them to discern their source.You need to learn to do this and then you can worry about having them not arise or not nearly as often and as grossly.
For example your last paragraph describes a failure to face shame, and not paper over it, not engage it for however long it takes.It may take several consecutive days, but it will take much longer IF you don't manage to do it without major interruptions. Which is why training is vital.
>>2883255The past IS changeable, but you need to be strong in remaining grounded in the present, in the here-and-now, to begin that mind of practice.
*kind of practice
>>2883255>you can't affect yourself>but everyone else can affect youShit thesis and I'll prove it, if other people can affect you then you can affect other people, who in turn can affect you back (for this to be impossible to predict the outcomes of the other people would need to be able to affect themselves), which means that you should be able to affect yourself through other people (more broadly through your environment) which contradicts the claim that you can't affect yourself.
>>2883313Once you take appropriate action to prevent recurrence of disease, you're not sick anymore. You're excluded from the discourse of disease sufferers. No one at depression anonymous wants to hear from a former depressed person. Sometimes we can exterminate a pest or microorganism, but medicine works on the assumption that there will always be sick people born every minute. That's why it addresses symptoms and not causes, patients are on the wrong side of causality already. Otherwise they wouldn't be sick. If people were sharing effective methods ITT, it would be a group of healthy people talking. That sounds like mere semantics, but it's important because sick and depressed people want others to hear and understand their suffering. The slim possibility of others "fixing it" and rolling back change is axiomatically opposed to depression itself. Anyone who can beat depression that way was either not depressed (compared to REAL depression sufferers) or was, as it were, close to beating it already. It may be a rhetorical argument but we're in a world of language here.