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which is the best and low cost weld machine for construction?
LIke structural SMAW welding? Something for a welding rig?
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>vague non description of need situation
>duplicate question asked nearly daily
>no location area given
>didnt perform even a rudimentary search
a mediocre thread died for this
obviously the answer is a lincweld sam 650 with a saltwater chebby turning it
>low cost
whatever you do, please pay a professional to do the welds instead of you
car battery + some wire
That's pretty expensive, actually
Nothing more expensive than a used machine. Better buy yourself a new Vantage or Bluestar.
one of these is not like the other
Sorry, meant Big Blue. Ranger would be the equivalent Lincoln machine to the bluestar, but those are both pretty small machines for construction work.
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waiting for op to come back to tell about his new rigmobile
You need to do some reading because you cannot yet formulate your question properly.

DIY does not mean spoonfeeding lazy fuckwits who do no personal research. You knew this and posted anyway so kill yourself.

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