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What type of building regulations would you run up against while erecting a monolith?
If its all one piece of stone can they really say its a structure? I doubt theres any rules about how big a rock you can have on your property.
Id like to quarry a 30m obelisk, i wager a portion will need to be buried and likely between two buried stones to hold it in place. I worry this will make it a structure and this beholden to the laws that would prohibit such a wonder.
I have not decided a site yet but New Hampshire seems promising with its naturally available granite.
Just don't be American - problem solved
Not a lawyer, but pretty much any fixed, man made object can be considered a structure
It is a radio antenna
If you're anywhere near an airport, there are height regulations.
>i want to do this thing that vaguely could count as a structure but i'm not sure
>i want to know what laws this would fall under but i haven't decided what jurisdiction i would want to do this in
>no i don't have land or materials
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okay i'll bite the shitty b8

1. he asked a legit question

2. him saying he's considering NH implies that he's near that state, and probably does, in fact, have money with which to do it

3. you're gay
Possible issues you will have to contend with.
Is referring to fcc protection but it’s often misinterpreted. Amateur radio towers must be “the minimum viable structure” to be protected by OTARD/FCC 97.15.

You can’t just build an tower and put an antenna on top. The state can take it to court and you’ll have to demonstrate why in your situation the absolutely minimal radio tower you could have built is a granite monolith. The regulation usually only works for HAM operators vs. HOA
You people are misinformed and simple. This is essentially art.

The regulations you will have to deal with are town, and height of structures you are allowed to build will be pretty simple and straightforward to find.

I live in New England, I believe where I am 3 stories/35 feet is the max.
Laws and rules are fine, they tell you what you can do.
New hampshire sucks quite a bit. Most of it is sandy cobble y babyhead shit, and the bedrock is granite. Very hard.
To get a monolith you gotta get it in one piece.
You are gonna diy a granite quarry in the dirty Hampsh? Good luck.

Op sounds foreign to me
Start a religion.
It's a temple/religious symbol necessary for worship.

Anecdote: Mormons built a temple near an airport flight path. It has a tower with their angel on top.
FAA: "Too close to the approach path, too tall.
Mormons: "Fuck you. First Amendment."
FAA: "At least put an anti-collision light on top."
Mormons: "Fuck you. That would be sacrilege."
Temple and tower are still there. No lights. Aircraft will just have to deal with it.
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Mormons are funny because they traded alcoholism for diabeetus
Oi m8 you didn't beg the council for planning permission nor did you have your penis inspected by building control.
Now you must remove your unpermitted works in 30 days or you will be assessed a £300 fine for every day it is still standing thereafter.
I would like to see exactly how you plan to quarry, move, and stand upright a 30m obelisk made of a single solid granite block. You'll need either a boatload of money to burn or a team of slaves.

The fact that it will be crafted and set to stand up with man made supports makes it a structure. A tree is not a structure, but if I cut down a tree, mill it into a 30m long beam, and then set that beam upright like a pole, that is a structure.

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