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File: IMG_20250101_111942.jpg (1.93 MB, 2801x3669)
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Preferably ones you can make with your kids.

Behold a double FIFO buffer for AA and AAA rechargeable batteries. This way we make sure that no battery lies around unused.
*unused for too long.
you didn't have any acrylic laying around
Checked. And the cobweb is a nice touch.
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It's actually scotch tape
>he doesn't have a spider bro to manage his inventory
3d printfags be like
>heh I could've made that in just 30 hours of CAD making minor tweaks and generating 2 dozen failed models that I'm just gonna throw away while also breathing plastic fumes for 2 days, would've been way easier than that cardboard shit
File: batt'ries innit.png (2.45 MB, 1811x1353)
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No, the 3D printfag checks if someone else already did the work. Which they have.
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Cottagecore roastie tier
Now just add a bunch of contacts and keep them charged to 80% and the AI predictor will charge the next 2 or 3 to full before they’re taken.
>you didn't have any acrylic laying around
Shit son, bend up some sheet metal so you can arc those positives to those negatives!
Exactly my thoughts during the build!

I was paranoid that they would short themselves out when they were lying around in the drawer, so this wouldn't be any better.

I don't think NiMH has the same issue as Lithium cells
>so this wouldn't be any better
no that's my home improvement craft
guess i could keep usb sticks and stuff in it but i never do
yeah i was gonna say i think thats just tape with pubes
notice how no one replied, its cause your right
It’s because he didn’t address 99% of the criticism.
>im right because no one talks to me and tells me im wrong in a way I find acceptable and convincing
Slippery slope my friend
>99% of the bullshit

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