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My Blomberg dryer has started to make an intermittent squeaking noise when it's running. The noise seems to be coming from the center rear of the machine.
Internet tells me squeaking could be a bunch of things, but my best guess is that the rear bearings are going? I can get a rear bearing assembly for under twenty bucks, so that would be OK.
>My Blomberg
>dryer has started to make an intermittent squeaking noise when it's running. The noise seems to be coming from the center rear of the machine.
Belt or drum seal but Beko has drum seals a damn side better than b*sch.
>I can get a rear bearing assembly for under twenty bucks, so that would be OK.
Possible. You can take it off, run it and listen for it easily. Not much in a dryer, even a heat pump unit.
it could also be the belt or drum rubbing on the air vent ducting. check for shiny spots under the rear cover
Jews make appliances?
No. It's owned by Turks.
Find something more important to worry about.
Make sure it's not just like a coin or something stuck between the drum and body first

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