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File: steam_pipe.png (48 KB, 1000x388)
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how retarded is this idea?
obviously the bearings would wear down quick and vibrations would cause increased friction.

I don't know why or how I got this stupid idea, I'm not even a engineer.

And it'd be horribly inefficient.. but would it work?
>I don't know why or how I got this idea
probably because you cataloged it subliminally because it just heros engine from the days before christ
that is the inspiration yes
The stator is not wires around the cable in one loop but more as a traditional motor.
The wires need to cut the changing magnetic field.

This kind of engine is not going to produce much power at all. If you want to make it it will work, adding a flywheel to the end might help smooth out fluctuations in power draw. If you want something better look into Tesla's steam turbine design. It used a bunch of disks inline with the path of steam and was fairly simple to make. Not as good as a modern standard turbine, but good enough.
>but would it work?
to do what?
You're going to be drawing more torque through the generator than your turbine will produce. As others have said it needs a flywheel but you should consider increasing the diameter of your steam outlets to match that diameter.
you're trying to make a steam engine with an efficiency close to zero? you're better off connecting a generator to a hamster wheel than that thing
but yeah in theory it might work and power an LED light

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