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Is it possible to dissolve a 2.4 cm (0.94 in) kidney stone or is that fake medicine? Pic related, it's my CT scan from the hospital.
Is it possible that this is cancer and the radiologist just misinterpreted it as a stone?
I got the CT scan because I had a pulsing feeling where my appendix surgery was 20 years ago (I think it's adhesions), they said all of the organs 'look normal' apart from a kidney stone and some swelling around it; it was discovered by accident and I don't feel any pain. I find it strange as I heard it supposed to be really painful.
>Is it possible to dissolve a 2.4 cm (0.94 in) kidney stone or is that fake medicine? Pic related, it's my CT scan from the hospital.
Theoretically maybe possible if you correct your urine composition (mostly just drink a lot and avoid foods that cause stones), but practically I absolutely wouldn't count on it with such a large stone. The most conservative option is percutaneous lithotripsy, if that don't work, then they stick something inside one way or another. Just go to a urologist.
>Is it possible that this is cancer and the radiologist just misinterpreted it as a stone?
No, even if it somehow was a cancer producing a stone deposit, it'd have to be a pretty big cancer that would be otherwise visible around the stone.
>supposed to be painful
No, they can just sit there doing nothing and then they don't hurt. What tends to hurt a lot is when small stones enter your urethra, the narrow tubes that go to your bladder, or when your kidney inflames/distends a lot because of a blockage. If it's not blocking urine and not especially inflamed and not entering the urethra, then it doesn't really have to hurt. It still should be removed though, since it can cause all those issues down the line.
is this a frog skeleton? what the fuck kind of hips are those?
Look for the faint outer line on the left, that's where the massive fat deposit ends.
Jesus Christ
>all that visceral fat bulging out your abdomen under your ribs
>jelly rolls flattened out on the x ray table
Goddamn, you're a disgusting fat fuck. You've got a lot more than just your stones to figure out.
Thanks for the analysis, it's very useful.
When I was 22, I changed my weight from 115 kg (253 lbs) to 80 kg (176 lbs) by just not eating, i.e., limiting the caloric intake and walking instead of taking busses. I did that over 1-2 years. It was a huge disappointment because: nobody cared at all that I lost weight, I didn't get more matches on OKCupid, my body (apart from the face) actually looked worse than before I lost weight because I had huge flaps of skin everywhere, especially on the buttocks, and they looked really bad. Even though I was 'young' and kept the weight for another 2 years, the flaps of skin didn't shrink at all. I can lose weight if I want to, but my body looks worse after than before and it's really not worth it. Also, the fat around your body allows you to survive starvation, and if you get rid of it, then you risk dying if you're in hospital or prison.
Fat cope, you are psychologically fat
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>I find it strange as I heard it supposed to be really painful.
Most kidney stone pain is associated with your body attempting to eject the stone through the uniary ducts.
Since this stone it not 'in transit' it isn't causing as much pain as it would be if moving.
I recently had a stone this size removed by having a probe inserted through my urethea into and beyond my bladder to reach the stone in my kidney.
The probe was used to blast the stone with a laser which broke it into a multitude of tiny fragments allowing them to be passed by my body.
A stint was inserted at the time of treatment to keep the passage open until healing could begin.
Two weeks after the laser treatment, I returned to have the stint removed.
Honestly, the stint was worse than having the stone.
I was pretty miserable for the two weeks post procedure.
After the stint was removed I felt no pain at all. I was shocked at how different I felt in just a few minutes after the removal.

Not haveing the stone removed can lead to failure of the affected kidney.
Don't risk it. Get it removed so you can not have it to worry about.
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I know how to match my weight with the BMI index. I don't do it because it doesn't get me more dates and objectively looks worse. Those who bullshit about 'get in shape' never actually seen experienced someone doing that.
Losing weight has the exact opposite effect than what one may think - the skin doesn't adapt at all and just hangs off you like soggy tits. If your goal is to get more dates then weight loss makes your body look worse.
When the economy collapses, I will have a survival advantage over you with my fat deposits.
>2.4 cm
Not a chance. If it's already inflamed, then it's a fibrosis timebomb. The just ultrasound that shit nowadays, pain free.

Also, it's far to regular to be cancer.
>When the economy collapses, I will have a survival advantage over you with my fat deposits.
>being an unhealthy, out of shape, obese retard is preferable to being healthy, capable, and active when in a survival situation
Whatever helps you sleep at night in your gross fat body, kek.
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I thought of trying lemon or the "Chanca Piedra" supplement South Americans use. I wonder if the egg shape of this thing says anything about what the stone is chemically composed of. I live in Ireland, it's impossible to see a urologist here, they just reply saying they will reach out to me some time in the future about an appointment.

This is the official radiology report -
No prior imaging for comparison. Small and large bowel are normal in calibre. Mild colonic
diverticular change. No mural thickening or acute colitis. No evidence of an abdominal wall
hernia. There is mild divarication of the rectus abdominis.
The liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen adrenal glands are normal. The right kidney is
unremarkable. There is a 2.4 cm calculus within the left renal pelvis. There is resultant mild
calyceal prominence. There is an extrarenal pelvis configuration to the left pelvic ureteric
junction. The left ureter is decompressed. There is some associated urothelial enhancement.
Kidney enhance normally with no evidence to suggest pyelonephritis. No acute perinephric
changes. No further calculi. No bladder calculi. Prostate unremarkable. No lymphadenopathy or
free fluid.
No significant osseous finding. Partially visualised lung bases are clear.
Large calculus lying in an extrarenal pelvis on the left with resultant mild left calyceal
prominence. Is mild left urothelial enhancement potentially reactive but could represent evolving
infective change. Urology opinion recommended.
No anterior abdominal wall hernia"
It depends of radiological hardness of the stone. If it's over or near 1000 Hounsfield Units, than it's futile.
I can't dissolved mine through more than a year, and when it finally stuck and blocks the urine way, I was taken by an ambulance for urgent surgery by an cystoscope and laser lithotripsy.
My med ensurance didn't cover expenses by the way, so I had to borrow money.
>the skin doesn't adapt at all and just hangs off you like soggy tits

The only time this happens is if you got so fat you could be mistaken for the star of My 600lb Life.

I have to agree with the consensus: This is either cope or troll.
Nope can confirm, went from 180lb to 240lb over a year of unemployment, went back down to 145lb after getting and job and kept steady at 155-160lb for the last 8 years. Once that elasticity is gone it doesn't come back unless you actually become an auschwitz victim.
I see a hidden anime hitler.
Take chlorine dioxide.
wheres ur peni


These two were mentioned to me a long time ago (link below). They also said pickle juice helps, but pickle juice has a lot of sodium and I'd imagine it wouldn't be very good for your kidneys, but I don't know if there is research behind it, always good to do your own research.


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