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I'm turning my garage into a studio apartment
Try turning a bathroom into a studio apartment. You got a shower, toilet and sink, mostly just needs a bed, a table surface and kitchen appliances :)
Greedy cunt, wait till you see how it pans out. Good luck getting permits for that too
I want to purchase a property, build a garage/shop, and slap a bed and small kitchen in the corner (fridge and oven). It would need to be as large as a 4 car garage (at least 20’x40’, but bigger would be better) with most of it having 6” concrete slab. Would need a bathroom and heat as well.
This is my one shot to start a business.

How much would this endeavor cost me?Where are the best places to do this? Property is cheap here in the midwest but adequately heating a space like this would cost a fortune in the winter.
Also I’m fine with buying an already built industrial property, but I figure that getting something more remote would keep nosy retards from figuring out that I live in there
Why wouldnt I get permits?
>thousands of local salesmen with experience looking to roughly price projects to individuals for little or no cost
>I know, I’ll ask strangers on the internet
It’ll run you about tree fiddy
>let me tell a bunch of people who know my name my plans to commit a crime
>commit a crime
>he hasn’t heard of builder-client confidentiality
Approving building plans with a bathroom and kitchen will certainly set off warning alarms at homeland security, but as long as you tell your builder the futon doesn’t lay flat they should turn a blind eye. Beyond that it’s their word against yours.
Studio apartment not multi level temporary living residence. OP if you are getting a permit and have some spare drywall around make the later and rent it out for the same price but to 6 people.
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Tons of cases of this in London

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