>>2885509SPS/SM exercise
>>2885509Noose around the neck
>>2885509There is a book called "The Back Mechanic" - it's not bad.
>>2885509curb stomp yourself.
>>2885509Spine extension, look what streches you need to do.Rest.Walking.NOT putting unnecesary load on your back.NOT repeating damaging move.Rest.Sometimes injections of anti-inflammatory.T. Had it so bad I started not feeling what's below the belt and han an operation.Do not take this lightly, it could fuck you up real bad.If you treat it before it's too damaged/chronic you can 100% get back into its original shape.
>>2885527Or, the “The Back Doctor”It opens with “the back was made to work”My back and neck eventually healed so I’m not in pain all the time, but it’s easily injured. It took years before my day-to-day was normal.Walking a lot (e.g. to and from work) helped a lot.(Instead of lying down all the time).I’m now an inch shorter though.
Billions of people can't be wrong
>>2885509>Go to a physiotherapist>DPP yoga>regular exercise as mentioned
>>2885509I am a physical therapist student and I'd say to keep moving your body even if it hurts, keep it active, do extensions of the back, no need to rest, just move it :D
>>2885509Boron supplementation and collagen.
I had a herniated disk after I jumped off from 1m+ height and didn't absorb the shock by using my legs as springs. I cured it by doing nothing because my body isn't a retard.
>>2885509OP even though this anon is probably joking around, after working on lift trucks for the past 17 years and only stopping for 2 years to drive a taxi just so I could see the outside world, but then returned because forklifting really is one of those "Remember, You're Here Forever" jobs even if you move up to rough terrain or get a CDL and start trucking....it's the same industry until you have your Matrix moment and realize that EVERYTHING is directly tied to moving things out of or into a thing so the thing can then be moved to another place where things get moved out of or into it.With that said, I have horrifying back, neck, and shoulder pains....like DAMN. I've done everything and the only ONLY thing that alleviates it is sleeping on a good mattress. BUT! Easier said than done! I can't go to sleep if I'm in extreme pain, and even if I manage, the pain will just wake me up in 2 hours...So you're not going to like this, but M-Th I take 4g Kratom and then just drink until I pass out. In the morning I take 2g of Kratom for work and it lasts me like literally 8 hours where I'm pain free, but as soon as I get home I'm in pain again. Friday I tough through it and just live in pain all weekend long.Coworker tells me to go see a chiropractor...but. Well, I just haven't.
>>2885509Fucked my back up squatting way too much weight in my early 20s, this is all that helped. https://youtu.be/gDQNqZMv1V0?si=UyZHC7ZL-nfrbaiLDo it 3-5x a week to start and then keep up with it after you stop hating your life. Other options: Muscle relaxersBoozeOpiates They don't solve anything, just temporary relief.
>>2888729>push through pain>dont rest it>back extensions for every caseKys>>2885509Exercise-rest-exercise-res. Listen to your body. Train hard but gently and adjust no matter how much strength you’re used to using and the ways you’re used to using it in. And… PATIENCE!!!!! I can’t stress that enough. You’re going to need to find what is right and wrong for you. I read on a back pain subbredit a post that said you’re going to have to become an optimistic asshole about back issues. It’s true. I herniated a disk last April and I’m still recovering because it stopped my exercise which exacerbated problems in my core and legs which now feeds my back problems. I’m definitely improv but it’s also definitely taking time. I have a friend who works his ass off to pay for toys he dosent need and has no time/desire to do exercises. He’s on his second back surgery at 46. Don’t be that guy.
>>2889412Even with a smiley face, and the fact that you're here in the first place, and you still go with >Kys?You're the idiot. Go back.
I drive a lift truck 12 hours a night….driving into a freezer and then backing out. Over and over and over again. Now recently if I turn my head too far to the right or left it feels like an electric bolt is shooting up my head from my C2 (or axis vertebrae). An old timer told me to cut all the junk food and eat a lot of fish and decent vegetables, and to not stress out on my off time…and I’m noticing a significant difference. When I say “old timer” I mean “OLD TIMER” because he’s like 79 and I’m 42 but he looks like he’s a really really tired 50. The dude eats like no junk food, doesn’t drink or smoke, and told me that when he’s not working he’s either sleeping or watching movies or anything that makes him relax. He like doesn’t stress about anything ANYTHING at all. I want to be more like him. Just wanted to share that.
>>2889454https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyuA2BTfcnAThis surgeon started noticing patients getting better without surgeries and quit his job. The list goes something like>good sleep>no/low stress>have people that care/love in your life>not too much salt>fruits, vegetables>low (red?) meat consumption>stuff that makes you fart>exercise and doing things that make you sweat>no drugs>no alcohol
>>2889422>go backI would but your mom stopped honoring her two for one deal. Recession is putting the bite on everyone I guess.
>>2889474>stuff that makes you fartAvoid it or ingest it??
>>2885509Sphynx pose and rest until you can move, proper form deadlifts without any weights once you can move, basically squats with a stiff back. Light deadlifts 60,70,80lbs once you're back to strength. Never do heavy deadlifts or try to increase your weight more than 10lbs from your last weight. All it takes is one bad lift to fuck you up again.
>>2889540His idea is to eat stuff that promotes gut health. So fermented foods, yoghurt, kimch, etc.
reduce body weight if you are a fat person, that's the first thing.4 years ago I fell from a horse and the blow was so bad that I herniated a disc.Constant pain for months. I never took medication, but sleeping on the hard floor without a pillow (or a very small one) helped me a lot. I woke up every day practically without pain... however the pain was increasing throughout the day.Now, 4 years later, I don't feel pain, just discomfort. And when I walk, when I take a step with my right leg, my spine cracks hahaBut the pain is minimal compared to what it was. I can live as if it never happened.try it, make an effort... it's not that bad